Castor's Shop


Wanting to clear some space out, prices are pretty much 1 PD unless listed. Message me here or get me on Discord @Archaleus #8946 Thanks!

Calibur +10 [Berserk] [0/0/40/0|50]
Raygun +2 [Burning] [0/25/0/30|50] - 250K

DB's Saber [25/0/0/0|0]
Kaladbolg [Freeze] [0/15/0/0|0]
Flowen's Sword [0/15/30/0|0]
Last Survivor [Fill] [25/0/35/15|0]
Last Survivor [Fill] [0/25/0/0|20]
Last Survivor [Fill] [0/15/30/0|35]
Dragon Slayer [Burning] [20/15/0/25|0]
Dragon Slayer +5 [Burning] [0/25/0/0|25]
Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/15/0/0|0]
Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/20/35/0|0]
Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/20/25/0|0]
Chain Sawd [Gush] [25/0/25/15|0]
Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/0/20/0|0]
Chain Sawd [Gush] [0/40/35/0|0]
Red Sword +52 [Seize] [0/20/0/25|0]
Flowen's Sword (3064) [15/35/0/35|0]
Flowen's Sword (3064) [0/0/25/0|30]
Slicer of Assassin [Dark] [0/0/0/10|0]
Diska of Braveman [Berserk] [0/0/25/0|0]
Rappy's Fan [Havoc] [0/0/0/0|0]
Silence Claw [Dark] [40/0/0/0|0]
Silence Claw [Dark] [25/0/0/0|0]
Angry Fist [Freeze] [30/15/0/0|0]
Angry Fist [Freeze] [0/0/35/20|0]
Dragon's Claw [0/0/0/0|0]
Booma's Claw [0/0/0/0|0]
Stag Cutlery [Havoc] [0/15/0/25|0]
Demolition Comet [Devil's] [20/0/0/0|0]
Demolition Comet [Devil's] [0/30/15/30|0]
Demolition Comet [Devil's] [15/25/0/0|0]
Musashi [Berserk] [0/10/30/0|0]
Yamato [Blizzard] [0/0/10/25|0]
Justy-23ST [Devil's] [20/10/30/0|0]
Guilty Light [Blizzard] [0/0/20/0|0]
Guilty Light [Blizzard] [0/25/25/0|0]
Guilty Light [Blizzard] [0/0/10/0|0]
Crush Bullet [Fill] [0/0/0/15|0]
Club of Laconium [Flame] [0/15/0/0|0]
Club of Laconium [Flame] [0/15/0/0|0]
Club of Zumiuran [Storm] [25/25/0/0|0]
Mahu [Soul] [0/15/0/0|0]
Mahu [Soul] [0/0/15/0|0]

King's Frame [0/4 | 1/2] [4S] 250K
Dragon Frame [1/4 | 0/2] [4S] - 250K
Dragon Frame [2/4 | 1/2] [4S] - 250K
Dragon Frame [3/4 | 1/2] [4S] - 250K
Dragon Frame [1/4 | 0/2] [4S] - 250K
Dragon Frame [3/4 | 0/2] [4S] - 250K
Absorb Armor [4/4 | 1/2] [4S] - 250K
Absorb Armor [0/4 | 0/2] [4S] - 250K
Absorb Armor [2/4 | 2/2] [4S] - 250K
Absorb Armor [0/4 | 0/2] [4S] - 250K
Absorb Armor [2/4 | 0/2] [4S] - 250K
Absorb Armor [0/4 | 1/2] [4S] - 250K
Protect Frame [4/4 | 1/2] [4S] - 250K
Protect Frame [3/4 | 2/2] [4S] - 250K
Protect Frame [2/4 | 1/2] [4S] - 250K
Protect Frame [2/4 | 0/2] [4S] - 250K
Protect Frame [4/4 | 2/2] [4S] - 250K
Protect Frame [4/4 | 2/2] [4S] - 250K
General Armor [0/4 | 1/2] [4S] - 250K
General Armor [3/4 | 0/2] [4S] - 250K
General Armor [1/4 | 2/2] [4S] - 250K
Perfect Frame [0/4 | 1/2] [4S] - 250K
Holiness Armor [1/4 | 1/2] [4S] - 250K
Graviton Plate [8/8 | 0/0] [0S]

Custom Frame ver.OO [8/10 | 9/10] [0S]
Custom Frame ver.OO [7/10 | 0/10] [0S]
Custom Frame ver.OO [10/10 | 9/10] [0S]
Custom Frame ver.OO [1/10 | 2/10] [0S]
Custom Frame ver.OO [4/10 | 9/10] [0S]
Custom Frame ver.OO [6/10 | 7/10] [0S]
Custom Frame ver.OO [7/10 | 7/10] [2S]
Custom Frame ver.OO [3/10 | 5/10] [0S]
Secret Gear [3/10 | 2/10]
Secret Gear [3/10 | 4/10]

Hero/Ability - 500K
Wizard/Technique - 500K
Heavenly/Battle - 2PD

Amplifier of Barta
Last edited:
Ill take

ChainSawd 0/40/35/0 - 1PD
H/battle - 2pd

I probably wont be on for much longer/tonight but just hold those if they still available. Thnx