Cake Sisters Delivery Service


Currently if I want some moist and delicious cake from the best bakers on Pioneer 2 I have to make a long ass trek all the way to cave 3.

Clearly with how popular this business has become you'd think they could have made a delivery service by now is what I hear people saying to me. However, business is pretty hard with the content monster attack roadblocks the sisters have to deal with from what they say to me.

Also I'm pretty sure they might have been violently attacked recently by another member in our community for some reason that was targeting NPCs. I have no comment on that though.

So I'd like to start a go fund me or whatever the equivalent of that is in the PS universe to help this home grown local small business that provides an essential function for Pioneer 2 grow in size.

Maybe donate some weapons to them to fend off monsters better or at least some better cooking tools.
Just pay @anime to do it, he'll devalue them in no time. Remember the Disk Vol.3 "Burning Rangers" crisis?
i got a couple photon chairs i can donate. i'm sure their legs are tired from standing for so long...