Bring back display of guild cards in the game list?


Deleted member 193

It was initially removed for potential "stalking/harassment."

With full dressing room and name changes coming back, it might be a good idea to bring them back. Not for "stalking/harassment" but for the opposite: avoiding toxic people. If you can see their guild card (and they were toxic enough for you to take the effort to memorize it), then it doesn't matter what their name is, you know to not join their game. It also has a few more benefits (listed below).

  • Can recognize toxic people and avoid them by not joining their games.
  • Can recognize friends if they're one of those people who change names frequently.
  • Helps avoid potential trade scamming, especially if you know someone's guild card number (eg: it's displayed on the forums) but you don't actually have their card. eg: If someone decided to trade without using passworded rooms for a deal exceeding 99 PDs (eg: Archivebit), a scammer couldn't name-change (eg: to Archivebit) and "snipe" the deal and run away with the PDs without completing the 2nd and/or 3rd trade-window. Also applies to lower tier trades for "unwindowable" items that must be dropped (eg: ADR and special'd s-ranks)
  • Can more accurately report people to the GMs with more complete information (can give the GM a time/date, character name, AND guild card, rather than just the first two and leaving the GM to "investigate" and find the card themselves).
  • Potential stalking/harassment issues, which is the original reason it was removed (I assume this was pre-emptive though - and no one actually used it to do this).
In my opinion, I think the pros outweigh the cons. But I'm not a GM, so I don't know if anyone actually used guild card numbers in the game list to stalk/harass. But as with all changes, it would be put up to a vote, so...