An Introvert Saying Hello


Casual Introvert
Hello everyone!

I have been playing for a month or more with my RAmar named DruidX. I generally lurk on the internet, as I tend to be pretty introverted, but you all have proven to be too warm and welcoming not to participate to some degree.

I used to play v1 on dreamcast. Late nights on PSO helped to get me through some rough times in high school. I realize now how little I knew about the game back then, but that will make the game both nostalgic and new to me now.

I mostly play after my wife and toddler go to bed, and I play pretty casually. Perhaps I will join a team, probably one that doesn't mind that I am not on voice chat.

I look forward to playing with you all!
Hello everyone!

I have been playing for a month or more with my RAmar named DruidX. I generally lurk on the internet, as I tend to be pretty introverted, but you all have proven to be too warm and welcoming not to participate to some degree.

I used to play v1 on dreamcast. Late nights on PSO helped to get me through some rough times in high school. I realize now how little I knew about the game back then, but that will make the game both nostalgic and new to me now.

I mostly play after my wife and toddler go to bed, and I play pretty casually. Perhaps I will join a team, probably one that doesn't mind that I am not on voice chat.

I look forward to playing with you all!
Druid-saaaaan! Think Mew's Pounced you once already hasn't she? Being an introvert is somewhat difficult around here....You could say...the More quiet you are....the More attention you draw to yourself around us! MewaHAHAHAHA!!! Hope you're hasing fun here dear! =3
Welcome! Hope to play with you sometime my character's name is Gunpowder). I usually name the rooms I make "Grind :D" if you see it don't be afraid to join! Right now I'm doing VH trying to get strong enough to even survive Ultimate haha
Welcome bro. I'm a truck driver because i'm a introvert and i generally don't like working around a lot of people! So welcome to the server! Most people here are awsum! So have fun!