A> Musashi +40 [0/0/20/0|55] (Closed at 64 PDs)


This auction is for the following item:

Musashi +40 [0/0/20/0|55]

Reserve: 50 PD
Countdown: 48 hours
Resets: 24 hours

Countdown begins from when the reserve is met.

Thank you!
CHB mr. swagger at 50 PDs! Thanks! The 48hr countdown started from the time of their post.
New CHB is mr. swagger with 62 PDs, thanks! The bid was made within the final 24 hours, so a 24hr reset was triggered. The auction ends 24 hours from the time of their post, thank you!
CHB is iyoSakura at 64 PDs, thanks! The auction will end in less than six hours.

Update: iyoSakura wins! Congratulations! I'll be in touch to arrange a trade.
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