A long way from home. . .

I have made an executive decision to halt my current progress on a certain other psobb server in order to switch over Ephinea. The other server just doesn't seem safe, and I would hate to lose my data after pouring hours into hunting the Sange and Yasha! (something I've never gotten in pso..) I have played pso on the GC for well over a decade, but just in the last year got introduced to the wonders Blue Burst. Like I said though, the other server just seems sketchy and I'd rather not lose all my progress because the GM doesn't have data backups in case of a crash..hehe..

So, after looking over a few other servers I felt that THIS one was the BEST. It seems to have down to earth devs that care about the game. Keeping attention to the community and adding new content while keeping it as vanilla as possible. Kudos to everyone that has/is working on this server!

So here I am. I am very excited to play me some bb. letsgitit
Backups rock! The fun is in the hunt, if you ask me. Hope you enjoy your stay here.
Welcome to Ephinea!