A Dream: Personal Team Point Shop


Hello PSO people.

I have a dream that one day Team Points will continue being useful after your team has unlocked Dressing Room, Team Flag, Point of Disaster and whatever member space your team requires.

My suggestion for this is to implement a shop menu that allows you to spend your personally earned Team Points on various items. One notable item in this shop would be Photon Drops at an appropriate price. Maybe somewhere between 200-400TP for each Photon Drop. I would also suggest changing how much TP Lames/Excals/Heaven Strikers and other heavily undervalued "ubers" give so they are worthy of deleting for team points. Another thing that should be adjusted is Striker of Chao's TP value. That way Rappy farmers cannot abuse this.

I believe this will be a good idea because it will motivate people to start deleting excess weapons and units that are currently rotting in our economy, and at the same time slowly fix this PD drought that we've been under since November. It will also make teams a bit more useful.

Thank you for reading.
Regardless of the memeing this suggestion is actually really good. I feel it would help with the economical inbalance.
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