A> Diska of Braveman 30/0/20/0|55 (CHB: 322) [Closed]


Min - 200
Duration - 72 hours
Reset - 24 hours

9/8/21 Edit: ALL bids going forward on this auction MUST increase the CHB by at least 5 to be accepted. At the time of this change the CHB is 322

Payment accepted in PD, or some of these other options
Gold Badges - 1
Silver badges - 10:1
Bronze badges - 33:1
Photon Crystals - 1
Photon Sphere - 95
Photon Hoard - 99
Meseta - 400k:1

Willing to accept other things outlined at the bottom of my trade thread linked below. If you want to bid using items I'm asking for there, feel free to ask here. You can also message me on discord, Comentor#9437, regarding inexpensive items from that list (~20pd or less) as I may just buy it from you there so you can cleanly re-offer my PDs back to me here :)

Very rough list of my wants at the bottom of the thread here:
Last edited:
we are past the 48 hour mark since the first bid, and we have ~22 hours remaining, so any new bids will reset that 24h timer