3 Sandbox options: /xpmult # , /raremult #, and one other thing.


Please forgive me starting off with some praise for Sandbox mode and my thanks for you all working on this code and running these servers. My wife and I played PSO on two Dreamcasts before we were married. It was one of the first online games we played together. Now we make online games together for a living (http://www.frogdice.com).

I don't know how popular Sandbox mode is, but it has been a godsend for me. I am able to play with my daughters and introduce them to one of their parents favorite games of all time.

My daughters (10 and 14) don't have time to do a lot of XP and item grinding, so we play on Sandbox where I can make cool mags for them and other items. This is great.

I'd say we play about 75% legit. I will occasionally give everyone a few bonus levels, a mag, an item, just fun stuff here and there because we only have a few hours a week to play together.

I would love to be able to play with them on boosted XP, rare drop rate, and possibly an option to either ignore section id (and just pick a random id at drop time) or change the room's effective section id.


1) /xpmult #

Multiply the XP awarded in the game.
# can be 0-100.
0 = no XP is awarded (apparently some people like/want this)
1-10 = Multiplier.
1 = 1x (normal - 100%)
2 = 2x (double xp - 200%)
10 = 10x (10 times xp - 1,000%)
100 = 100x (100 times xp - 10,000%)

With no # arg it would tell what the /xpmult setting was currently.
Would only apply to the current room of course.

2) /raremult #

Multiply the chances for a rare item to drop.
# can be 0-100
0 = no chance for rares? I guess someone might like that.
1 = normal
2 = 2x (double chance)
etc. you get the idea.

With no # arg it would tell what the /raremult setting was currently.
Would only apply to the current room of course.

3) /sectionid ARG

ARG = Redrid/Viridia/etc: Changes the room's effective section id to that section it.
ARG = 0 or None = each time a mob dies, it picks a random section id for its drop table. Using this would give people extremely varied drops.

With no ARG it would tell what the room's current sectionid was.

These commands could potentially be used for a special event on the normal server, and may even be valuable/fun contributions back to the main Tethealla server project.

Obviously on the Sandbox server someone could just use /levelup and the item making options to have anything they want. But these options would give people who play on Sandbox a fun way to play slightly more legit, just with XP earning and item drops tuned to the level of time they are able to devote to the game.

Thanks again!