
  1. koi

    Buy List/Sell List

    =========================== 私は日本人です。 I am Japanese. 英語は苦手ですが、翻訳ツールを使いながら取引が可能です。 I am fluent in English but can use translation tools to transact. 日本語が使える人は、日本語で連絡をください。 If you can speak Japanese, please contact us in Japanese. Discord:koichiyan6251 =========================== 【用語】...
  2. Painbot

    B>V801 [Closed]

    Looking to buy. Contact me on Ephinea discord or message me directly on discord/here. Painbot#9868
  3. brionac

    The Gizonde Glitch

    Here's a thorough guide to get through TTF more quickly when fighting Vol Opt in phase one, especially in Ultimate mode. This special technique is called the Gizonde glitch. Equip a V801 first, and use the Gizonde glitch to stun lock this boss when it tries to move through the screens. The more...
  4. S


    looking for a V801 I'll pay 12 pds for it. Contact me however you wish.
  5. Brvcx

    S>Liberta Kit (SOLD, please close topic)

    Pretty straight forwards, found one in my bank after not playing for quite some time. I'll take PDs, some AddSlots, a V801, or just make me an offer. Cheers,
  6. majinToorah

    S> V801 (13 PD) (SOLD)

    Selling a V801, asking 13 PD's or something equal that would be good for a Hunter/HUmar
  7. Nappa

    B>V801 [Done]

    B>v801 12 pds PM
  8. A

    B>Seasons stuff

    Looking for the following Season items: Charge Diska w/50 hit or greater Red Barrier Limiter Solferino Spread Needle Thanks, Gathin Greencast
  9. V801 get!

    V801 get!

  10. Triple V801 Drop 2/2

    Triple V801 Drop 2/2

  11. Triple V801 Drop 1/2

    Triple V801 Drop 1/2
