login issues

  1. muesli

    After long hiatus, cant log in-

    Sadly i could not find anything in the faq or the forums, at least not with my searches. On Windows 10. After some years I want to come back an play som BB but during the login screen I get "usernamer or password incorrect". Shouldn't it be the same as my login here on the forums? I checked...
  2. Bauce

    Server Timeout

    Ephinea.pioneer2.net is showing SERVER TIMEOUT! in the top corer where it typically shows active players and game gives me error 903 (I think) when trying to log into game. Says game may be under maintenance and to check official news. Haven't seen anything official, only other players talking...
  3. Matt Saylor

    Activation email

    Haven't gotten the Activation email to play the game. I've tried to do an email reset too and that hasn't worked.