
  1. P h o t o b o m b e d  :^)

    P h o t o b o m b e d :^)

  2. PSOBB Supercharged [Photon Chair] Lobby Chair! - YouTube

    PSOBB Supercharged [Photon Chair] Lobby Chair! - YouTube

    Hello, players. Look at your chair, now back to mine...
  3. Chadstar

    Soccer Game

    You think we could ever arrange to have a soccer game down in lobby 14/15? I heard it was popular back in the GC days would be cool to see again. Kinda sad to go to those lobbies and they're vacant.
  4. Tsumetai

    When the entire lobby is high at 2AM

    this plays
  5. Psobb My Char

    Psobb My Char

    Lobby pic.
  6. Ghost Of Ephinea

    Ghost Of Ephinea

    I think Fodra may be haunted hehe