Message me on here or DM on Discord: Ult_MPX#7835. NO FLOOR TRADING!
-ATTENTION! I can no longer create Two Kamui. All of its No-Hit/Random Stat components are discounted. Any 3 for 1PD. Kamui = 1PD (When in stock).
Will accept:
Meseta (500k = 1PD)
Photon Drops
Photon Crystals, 1:1
Event Eggs...
This was during Random Attack Xrd REV 1 a couple days ago. An enemy was killed out of bounds and a red item spawned there. No way to get it.
Not mad. Not a bug. Not blaming anyone.
Just posting this as a heads-up. Make sure all enemies spawn properly in the area. Get your drops, Hunters.
Thank you.
hey yall. i thought of a couple things that i know really good ways to hunt and couldnt really find them anywhere so i wanted to organize them here. stuff that you probably wont find elsewhere like NDW's Monster Finding Guide bless his optimal heart.
i will also be editing this regularly...