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    New to online and looking for a team.

    Hey same here! My guildcard and Discord name should be on my profile information if you ever want to play just hollar. I had my first real online experience last night and it was so dang fun, feels good. I've got a 24 caster and level 6 melee; I tend to be on later in the day maybe 9pm-12am CST


    Hey there! I'm getting back into the game casually (Seasoned DC/XB Hunter) and your teams maybe seems the best fit. Still recruiting? Leveling a FOnewearl and HUnewearl and would love to have some cool people to hunt with! p.s - made sure not to say "old hunter" this time @Harborer of Hope ;)

    Returning Hunter looking for ppl to play/chat with

    I haven't played in ages (Since DC/XB) and was really missing this game after trying out new genesis recently. How active is the community here? Any active groups willing to adopt this old hunter? Glad to see there's still some people out there playin and I'm excited to explore Ragol once again...