Recent content by Spekkio

  1. Spekkio

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Chainsaw man, Jojo's Bizarre adventure, Bleach
  2. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  3. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  4. Spekkio

    B> 40H SN, ES Needle, Yas 9k, Excal

    probably some specific items people want to hang onto but thought I'd try here since I don't see them for sale or in auction much - looking for 40H SN preferably with other %s (dark, ab) also ES Needle or Berserk ES Needle 20-25h Yas 9k with hit and dark % 15h excal w/ other % Thanks
  5. Spekkio

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I think the wiki on mags is pretty clear but just to be sure... is synchro for mags without the "+" or "-" triggers pretty unimportant? For example, my Tellusis having 0 synchro will only affect damage done by certain PBs? I've been keeping mine at 120 would be nice if I didn't have to though...
  6. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  7. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  8. Spekkio

    Aerosill´s trinkets odds and ends (Updated: 13th Nov 2022)

    b> Cannon Rouge (0,20,0,0)25}
  9. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  10. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  11. Spekkio

    A> PSYCHO WAND [0/35/0/0|0] [Done]
