Search results

  1. Spekkio

    What anime are you currently watching?

    Chainsaw man, Jojo's Bizarre adventure, Bleach
  2. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  3. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  4. Spekkio

    B> 40H SN, ES Needle, Yas 9k, Excal

    probably some specific items people want to hang onto but thought I'd try here since I don't see them for sale or in auction much - looking for 40H SN preferably with other %s (dark, ab) also ES Needle or Berserk ES Needle 20-25h Yas 9k with hit and dark % 15h excal w/ other % Thanks
  5. Spekkio

    Quick question - Quick answer

    I think the wiki on mags is pretty clear but just to be sure... is synchro for mags without the "+" or "-" triggers pretty unimportant? For example, my Tellusis having 0 synchro will only affect damage done by certain PBs? I've been keeping mine at 120 would be nice if I didn't have to though...
  6. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  7. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  8. Spekkio

    Aerosill´s trinkets odds and ends (Updated: 13th Nov 2022)

    b> Cannon Rouge (0,20,0,0)25}
  9. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  10. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  11. Spekkio

    A> PSYCHO WAND [0/35/0/0|0] [Done]

  12. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  13. Spekkio

    A> EXCALIBUR [100/0/0/0|20][Done]

  14. Spekkio

    A> Calibur 0/0/0/50/70 [closed]

    Narain wins the auction with this bid. Congratulations. I’ll message to arrange trade.
  15. Spekkio

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Thank you, and wow, really took that that Epsilon fast, I see how that could be useful. Oh, forgot about that. Guess I meant the 'Barta' spells in general but that is confusing since Barta itself doesn't freeze, lol.
  16. Spekkio

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Couple of questions - Does Barta work like Megid for chance to freeze (technique level and resistance)? didn't see anything about it on Ephinea Techniques page. Also, I'm looking at new gear for my Fonewm, I had a couple questions, specifically this line: 1 Target: Bringer's Rifle, Raygun...