Recent content by Septar

  1. S


    V101 - 10 PDs Jellen Lv30 - 1 PD Zalure Lv30 - 1 PD I'd like these please.
  2. S


    Hi, I'd like Raygun [Hell] [0/0/0/0|50] (x3). I have 200k meseta and 1 PD.
  3. S

    Solomode Quests and Photon Drop Increase

    There's a pricing strategy used for some products called a "loss leader," the idea being that a product is sold at a loss in order to entice customers into a store or a platform so that they'll spend money on more profitable items. Solo play being an equally viable way to play the game would...
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    Solomode Quests and Photon Drop Increase

    Incentivizing group play by limiting solo play seems like a very archaic approach to game design. And with a smaller game population it's just plain silly. From what I've seen if people have a group available to play with they're going to choose to play with a group over any minmax efficiency...
  5. S

    Quick question - Quick answer

    Is there a point to completing the government/side stories quests?