Recent content by Ezekial

  1. Ezekial

    Skye's Shop Reloaded

    Re: Sykes Shop of wonders M&A60 vise 15/0/0/80 Yamato 0/0/0/0/55hit Photon launcher 4 pds fair?
  2. Ezekial

    Ezekial's Burning Rangers Edit

    Did you want the original opening music? Too bad. Olga flow's music? Too bad. You like that annoying crappy song at the end of episode 4 from that no name singer that no one gives a crap about? Hahaha too bad. You only get burning rangers. Then after burning rangers you'll get burning rangers...
  3. Ezekial

    2x experience is in effect until 9/7/2015 20:59 UTC-8

    Thanks for doing this. Makes it a hell of a lot faster for people who hate the grind up to ultimate.
  4. Ezekial

    Hello everyone, I'm Ezekial

    I used to be on Schthack a while back under the name of "Girshootslasers" figured I'd find a server that had a simple raid card, and also recognized sodaboy from my own server's software years back when I played around with it etc. Figured I'd jump on a ship that knew what it was doing.