Recent content by Automatic

  1. Automatic

    Mystelle's bank dump (Classic)

    I'm not on the discord yet but I'd be interested in that Red Handgun if it's still available
  2. Automatic


    I was overjoyed that I could simply buy Add slots... Looks like I'm in for some real excitement! Thanks for the tips! You rock! :D
  3. Automatic


    Wow! That's probably the nicest welcome I've had anywhere :D Sounds like it may have been a nice thing I missed the online back then, I got to use piping to get stuff while dodging hackers and preserving the quests for future me! XD I'm looking forward to the endgame grind with the online quests...
  4. Automatic


    Greetings! I'm a Gamecube refugee who lost his characters to corrupted memory cards years ago. I used to play PSO 1 & 2 and Ep3 non-stop with a few friends. Recently I found this nice place and the classic server drew me in! I never got to experience the online quests or ep4 so I'll likely make...