Recent content by ABlindGuyPlays

  1. ABlindGuyPlays

    PSO and PSO Community Appreciation Thread

    My intial exposure to PSO was from PSO-PC. I had vaguely known of it existing on Dreamcast, but between the fact I had just failed my freshman year of collage and my brother's dreamcast got squashed I was in no position to pay monthly subscription. Still, I thought the offline demo was...
  2. ABlindGuyPlays

    What is your favorite weapon, aesthetically speaking? (Ep1&2 weapons only)

    Last Survivor. Purely because in a setting where everything has neon lines everywhere? It's a giant sized regualar ol slab of metal Knife/propeller blade that just gives off this look of cleaving through your problems. Class: HUCast
  3. ABlindGuyPlays

    Voyager 1's 'Talking Gibberish' As an 80's kid that's been reading about space since pre-school (Literally... i mean picture books wit ha few blurbs in big text but still,) and had astronomy posters in my...
  4. ABlindGuyPlays

    Picking up PSO Again - Quick Tips

    The wiki has guides for diff classes and mag growth plans. I'm glad you have found your way back here. Granted I'm a newbie to this server but the game is kinda like comfort food.
  5. ABlindGuyPlays

    Deciding to play pso again

    Holy Crap. It still bobbles me that we've got adults who are second generation. that's awesome. Everything I've seen? This place is awesome. Generous. Willing to lend a helping hand.
  6. ABlindGuyPlays

    Newbie to Vet to Newbie

    Wish I'd realized I could change section IDs before level 20.
  7. ABlindGuyPlays

    Any tips for First Character leveling?

    Thanks to the shared bank it should be far simpler to snowball out of the low levels. It's just 'this is the first character on account and I keep getting interrupted to the point partying up outside of oncein awhile doesn't feel right. Advice other than to just dogfood it?
  8. ABlindGuyPlays

    Newbie to Vet to Newbie

    From grabbing a demo of the PC version back when it was relevant from gamespy, to Schthack Server .... to the community there and then moving on because i felt like I'd done everything? It's been.... a literal lifetime. I'm glad that place stil lexists. I really am, but the past weekend plus...