A couple days late but, hello!


Your life, our hands
Happy to be playing here on Ephinea. This is my first experience with online/BB, considering a friend introduced me to the GC version and played offline for many years. Created an account after having fun with Seasons and occasionally came up with questions I didn't have answers to.

Everyone seems pretty friendly so I thought I'd say hey!
Happy to be playing here on Ephinea. This is my first experience with online/BB, considering a friend introduced me to the GC version and played offline for many years. Created an account after having fun with Seasons and occasionally came up with questions I didn't have answers to.

Everyone seems pretty friendly so I thought I'd say hey!
"Hey!" to you too Dear! *Pounces and examines Dyne-san carefully!* Awwww GC 'Offline' only? S'ok no biggie! Online play was a bit of the Wild West for most of us back then....it was Rough....Fun....but Rough lol. Hope to see you soon! Welcome Home! =3
Welcome to the World of Online PSO, I know the feeling, was stuck on GC for so long. If you see me around don't hesitate to ask for any kind of help. IGN: Plushie69/No.69/Kara. :P
Welcome onboard!

You'll find pretty helpful people here. If you ever get stuck on something feel free to reach out. There's also a Discord if you're interested in that type of thing (you'll get a faster response there).
Welcome onboard!

You'll find pretty helpful people here. If you ever get stuck on something feel free to reach out. There's also a Discord if you're interested in that type of thing (you'll get a faster response there).
Thanks guys! Definitely made sure to join the Discord and have already been (quickly) helped there.
Welcome, dataDyne!

Perfect Dark was one of my favorite games of all-time. Its multiplayer was so addicting back in the day. Hope you feel right at home here! Hit me up in-game if you want some free stuff. :)
It's a great game! Played it a lot with family over the years so we promptly named our two-man PSO team DataDyne, haha. Made sense being a military corporation. And I can't argue with free stuff! Sounds good :p
You're definitely in for a treat - most of my time was spent online for the Xbox version and while offline is certainly still fun, online is where the game really takes off. Enjoy!