Force feedback / rumble support?


Does this game feature force feedback or rumble support at all?
I swore it did. I have a steam controller and tested this out on Sonic Adventure and the rumbling works very well.
However no rumbling in PSOBB yet.

But people said this game supported it and I think it used to have a rumble support option in settings but it is now gone. Am I right?
PSO PC and the console versions do, but if the in-game options menu doesn't have a rumble on/off toggle anymore, then Sega removed the rumble support from BB.
In PSO Universe they didnt have a menu option to turn it on or off.

They made it so it enabled if you set controls to gamepad.

This means there is hope PSOBB has support but theres no toggle for on/off like PSO PC had.

Here is the problem. If PSOBB supports rumble, it probably only does for directinput controllers and not xinput ones of today like xbox 360 controller and the like.

So if PSOBB supports it, no one has had the right controller to use it for over a decade unless they bought a pricey gamepad that was dual xinput and directinput (like a logitech, which had a hardware switch).

Us with xbox 360 controllers or the like are running the controllers through xinput and Microsoft made it so the API for directinput games cannot send the rumble commands to xinput controllers.

So we have several ways to fix this but the question is - does PSOBB even support directinput rumble..

If you have an old directinput controller you can test it out..
There may be other hurdles here. You would need to test an old common DirectInput controller on like XP to know if PSOBB supported rumble or we need the devs who know the binary and game to tell us.

Apparently PS4 controllers do not support rumble on Windows 10 because windows 10 does not support the DS4 controller entirely, and DS4 controllers are not true HID directinput controllers:

If you use common software support for PS4 controller to get it all working, you are probably not looking at having a directinput controller anymore, but xinput or steam input, therefore making it incompatible with PSOBB.

There may be other directinput controllers that support rumble on windows 10. That's what we need tested. True blue fully compatible directinput controllers.
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Uh, wouldn't the controller not work at all if you were using Xinput? AFAIK BB only works with DirectInput drivers, regardless of which controller you use. If you use an Xinput driver, BB should act like you don't have a controller plugged in at all.

I played BB on XP with a DualShock2 that supports rumble in PSO PC, but I did not get any rumble when I played BB. It wouldn't make any sense for rumble to be forced if you used a controller; Sega wouldn't have removed the on/off toggle if the game still supported it, because you need a way to turn it off.
Uh, wouldn't the controller not work at all if you were using Xinput? AFAIK BB only works with DirectInput drivers, regardless of which controller you use. If you use an Xinput driver, BB should act like you don't have a controller plugged in at all.

I played BB on XP with a DualShock2 that supports rumble in PSO PC, but I did not get any rumble when I played BB. It wouldn't make any sense for rumble to be forced if you used a controller; Sega wouldn't have removed the on/off toggle if the game still supported it, because you need a way to turn it off.
Code base changes is the only reason I can think rumble toggle is removed. PSOBB is a more modern code base. PSOBB has entirely different items and code base from the prior games. This could be why support is missing or why it is not with a toggle. They could be doing it like PSO Universe where its tied to the gamepad control toggle.

No Microsoft coded xinput to handle directinput games, but the triggers do not work fully and rumble support is entirely disabled. Only the analog stick, and standard buttons work in a directinput game with xinput controller.
This is from Microsoft explains why rumble on a modern xinput controller will never work in old games that used directinput:
Using the Xbox 360 Controller with DirectInput
The Xbox 360 Controller is properly enumerated on DirectInput, and can be used with the DirectInputAPIs. However, some functionality provided by XInput will be missing from the DirectInput implementation:

  • The left and right trigger buttons will act as a single button, not independently
  • The vibration effects will not be available
  • Querying for headset devices will not be available
The combination of the left and right triggers in DirectInput is by design. Games have always assumed that DirectInput device axes are centered when there is no user interaction with the device. However, the Xbox 360 controller was designed to register minimum value, not center, when the triggers are not being held. Older games would therefore assume user interaction.

The solution was to combine the triggers, setting one trigger to a positive direction and the other to a negative direction, so no user interaction is indicative to DirectInput of the "control" being at center.

In order to test the trigger values separately, you must use XInput.
Still waiting on final confirmation here.

The main method to fix this IF PSOBB sends rumble commands is to make a directinput to xinput or steam input wrapper forcing PSOBB to use xinput or steam input instead of directinput. The wrapper will take the rumble commands and send it through xinput or steam input.
You don't have to use Xinput to "fix" the triggers. PSO sees them as the Z axis with Microsoft's driver, but a third-party driver can enable them as buttons under Windows XP.
You don't have to use Xinput to "fix" the triggers. PSO sees them as the Z axis with Microsoft's driver, but a third-party driver can enable them as buttons under Windows XP.
no idea. I use steam controller which is way different than xbox 360 controller. oh, are they separate buttons? Microsoft is saying they will act as one button in Dinput which is not compatible with all games.
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was just able to test an old xbox 360 controller and left/right triggers are not recognized when trying to assign them to a button. tried to assign to camera and ctrl. was only able to assign to buttons supporting axis, and it acts as one button, with a - and + axis as Microsoft states, which is not what directinput was designed around.
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I mean, the final confirmation is already there, BB doesn't use rumble out of the box.

The base was Xbox so something (broken) is probably there if you look hard enough, but nobody has the source.
You are probably right unless someone comes through and confirms rumble support can be turned on somehow. Or it works in certain conditions.

I already found a way to get directinput games to rumble with xinput controllers and even to bind the triggers to individual buttons should anyone want to do that.

Problem is I dont think PSOBB has the code to rumble anymore as I cannot find anyone who said it ever worked.. and it does not seen to work for me..
Yeah. That's one of the controllers thats native DirectInput.

But like all the posters saying the game apparently lost its rumble support after PSO ver.2 PC which did support it..

Unless someone finds out otherwise!
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