What's the story behind your name?


Guildcard 2
So I'll start.

I had to think up an Xbox Gamertag when I bought the 360 (my first xbox), and I was watching the Game Spot commercial for Halo: Reach. The Spartan is shooting and then see his reflection in the mirror and starts posing and saying random stuff, (cause he is wearing some belt you could only get from pre ordering from game stop) and the last thing he said was, "Boom! Bagoosh!" It just hit me, I wanted THAT in my name. Then within 5 seconds of thinking Hax popped in to my head and I put them together and it sounded good. TA DA! My name: HaxBagoosh
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My original HUmar name on SCHTserv was Rooster, but almost everyone called me Roo so it stuck with me and now I use it for everything. I used the name Rooster because an old friend of mine gave me that as my nickname when we were kids. I should also mention that I use the name Roofus for Dungeons and Dragons. I usually play a mage :P
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I got RoseBell69 from:

1. I love Roses
2. I love Bells
3. When I created this username I was only 12 years old, and what I saw in the number 69 was a symbol of Yin & Yang which has always been my most favorite symbol so I put it there to represent.
4. In the TV Show called as Mew Mew Power(American)/Tokyo Mew Mew(Japanese), the main character Mew Zoey(American)/ Mew Ichigo(Japanese) has an attack called "Rose Bell, Full Power!"
5. When I was 10 years old, I actually made a golden bell with my father and my father's friend who was a blacksmith. I did everything from scratch and made a bell out of the gold ingot, then I went to my mother and we went to the store together to get some sewing materials, I sewed together laces and some fake pink roses together then I glued that onto the golden bell. I didn't know what to call it as a 10 year old lol and neither did my parents. So fast forward 2 years later, going back to #3, I looked back at the thing I made and realized it is called a RoseBell!

That is how I got this username, if any of you would like to see the RoseBell I made in my childhood just let me know and I'll post a picture of it.
My name is whatever you want it to be, but it's also short for my gamertag (C The Breaker)
The C is also whatever you want it to be, I don't define it so I can sign up for locals with quality names.
The Breaker is partly because I main broken characters (or so they say) and partly because I was reading the manhwa at the time.

C The Breaker
Corey The Buttblasted
Could Try Better
Chicago's Truly Bad
Calling That Bullshit
My name is whatever you want it to be, but it's also short for my gamertag (C The Breaker)
The C is also whatever you want it to be, I don't define it so I can sign up for locals with quality names.
The Breaker is partly because I main broken characters (or so they say) and partly because I was reading the manhwa at the time.

C The Breaker
Could Try Better

I like that, Could Try Better. Also very nice name, CTB! :D
Well let's just say I loved the word "Admiral". I was introduced to it at a young age when I saw it when playing the original Starcraft (I was a Terran player, so the "Admiral" rank appeared somewhere during the missions), and eventually somewhere in Star Wars I believe later on. Realizing the word's meaning had parts pertaining to leading a large fleet (I also played CnC Red Alert, so commanding armies was something I liked to do in some games), I loved it more, and kept it.
The Pit part was for when Pit was introduced in SSBB since I loved him since the first trailer. He was my main since the start and well, there you go.

Short version: "Admiral" due to Starcraft and Star Wars, liked the word, and "Pit" due to me liking him since the first Brawl Trailer, and being my main.

A fun fact though: My main at the beginning of Brawl was actually Bowser due to me using him in Melee (wasn't competitive back then), so I was "Admiral Bowser" for a short time, til I went to Pit like a month later or something. It's also strange since I actually main Palutena in the new Smash game, but Pit's been with me for over 6 years, so I still have a major bond with the character in a way.
Anyways, now you know the origins. Note that I occasionally give myself titles before the name if I feel creative enough or something.
Well let's just say I loved the word "Admiral". I was introduced to it at a young age when I saw it when playing the original Starcraft (I was a Terran player, so the "Admiral" rank appeared somewhere during the missions)
Short version: "Admiral" due to Starcraft

Anyways, now you know the origins. Note that I occasionally give myself titles before the name if I feel creative enough or something.

ADMIRAL STUKOV! I love Starcraft immensely as well. I first played it on the Nintendo 64 then I got my computer 3 years later and I played the game vigorously. Protoss race is and always be my #1 most favorite, then the humans, then the Zerg.

I like your name as well, Admiral. :D
ADMIRAL STUKOV! I love Starcraft immensely as well. I first played it on the Nintendo 64 then I got my computer 3 years later and I played the game vigorously. Protoss race is and always be my #1 most favorite, then the humans, then the Zerg.

I like your name as well, Admiral. :D

Starcraft was one of my childhood comp games along with Red Alert and Tiberian Sun. Those 3 got me into a bit of the RTS genre, mostly more C&C games.

Many thanks! ^^;
My handle/nick on here and I try to use pretty much everywhere else its not taken yet comes from 2 things actually. First it is a combo of the words Psychic and Cybernetic, also it is the name of a person I've linked to many times in my dreams who herself has abilities. Unfortunately after the last dreamstate where I linked to her her life was but a few minutes from expired due to severely low life force unless she gets proper aid, 'tis a rather particular situation that has left her in said state I last saw her in. I have used her name for many years now as she is one the ones I've linked to who have given me inspiration to go on in life and I do hope she is ok as well. If she happens to not survive and I find out somehow, I will continue to use her name in memoriam of her. I could go into details of some the character names I do use but that would make for a tad lengthy of a post hehe
Starcraft was one of my childhood comp games along with Red Alert and Tiberian Sun. Those 3 got me into a bit of the RTS genre, mostly more C&C games.

Many thanks! ^^;
RTS genre has always been one of my most favorites to play. You got superb taste, I love those games as well. :)
RTS genre has always been one of my most favorites to play. You got superb taste, I love those games as well. :)

As is mine. To build bases, to command an army, to conquer, that's what I love. I remember playing those games, RA2, Yuri's Revenge (and some of its mods), Generals, Zero Hour (and its mods), and the recent games that I don't play much anymore of would be Empire at War and its Expansion.
Gotta love how certain things hold a big connection to me. It also helps with creating an identity. <3