Qedit: Labeling unlabeled labels



This is a qedit guide for those who find it frustrating, having to play a guessing game to figure out what labels do what, due to them being unlabeled or just simply labeled incorrectly. It will also including other confusing or unexplained things if need be. So far, I only typed out what japanaman2 and I know, so expect this list to be updated at sporadic times. If you find something yourself, it will be added to the list. We appreciate any support to fully develop this list.

I have currently only made Episode 1 quests. I'm sort of new to qedit and I tend to dabble in it every now and then, but I do intend to make quests for every stage in every episode eventually. Not sure how long that will be, but I plan to find every kink and bug of possible.

Added these for ease of making Forest quests. It is not as necessary for other places due to its simpler, labyrinth design, but IDs can be hard to place in order to make objects usable and enemies targetable. Click Room ID placement to help get your objects/monsters where you want, exactly.
Edit: Replaced old links with a fix that includes forest doors. How forest doors work is explained in its appropriate section
Forest IDs and Door Fixes
Edit: Central Control Area is a bitch as well. Mirror

51 - Stage NPC
Makes a monster NPC on the stage. All stage NPCs work similar to Pioneer 2 NPCs.
Use: Place a normal monster then change it's skin ID to 51. Click OK, then re-edit its data to get new labels. Change subtype to get a different model.
Forest 1 Subtypes: 0= Forest Box
1= Booma
2= Gigobooma
3= Gobooma
4= Rag Rappy
5= Al Rappy
6= Mothmant
7= Monest
8= Barbarous Wolf
9= Savage Wolf
10= Chao
11= Crashed Probe
12= Crashed Probe on side
Forest 2 Subtypes: 0-10= Same as Forest 1
11= Mini Hildebear
12= Hildebear
13= Hildeblue
14= Crashed Probe
15= Crashed Probe on side

64 - Hildebear
Label 1 when set to 1 allows the Hildebear to spawn by falling in. When kept on 0, it will appear out of thin air.

2 - Teleporter
No Disp Number should be set to 1 for a Red warp (as well for caves and mines)

3 - Warp
Regarding Warp Destinations, the X and Z co-ordinates are off by 10. This means if you want to warp to the point 100X, 100Z, place 110X and 110Z in the Warp Destination parameters.

For rotations in general:

0 - 0 degree turn
8192 - 45 degree turn to the left
16384 - 90 degree turn to the left
24576 - 135 degree turn to the left
32768 - 180 degree turn

Use negatives for the right.

For warp destinations, you always face south. 3D View is off and doesn't have its rotation co-ordinations default to south, so don't use those.

Use: 16384 for East, -16384 for West and 32768 for North (or whatever number you need for whatever direction).

10 - Elemental Trap
Radius: How close you need to be for the trap to activate.
Trap Link: -1 for your default trap that explodes in place, 0 for a trap that hovers over the player's head, 1 and all other positive numbers to trigger other traps with the same Trap Link value to explode.
Damage: Damage dealt.
Subtype: 0 = Damage
2 = Freeze
3 = Shock
Delay: How long in frames it will take for the trap to explode.

11 - Status Trap
Same as Elemental Trap, but cannot damage players.
16 = Paralysis
17 = Slow
18 = Confuse

12 - Heal Trap
Same as Elemental Trap, but heals HP.

13 - Large Elemental Trap
Same as Elemental Trap.

18 - Script Collision
Label 3 is the function you want it to activate (applies to all stages)

24 - Fog Collision SW
Start off: Set to 0 if you want the fog on by default. Set to 1 if you want it triggered by an event or switch.
Label 3 is the type of fog you want. 17 is for dark rooms. (other numbers are currently unidentified at the moment)
Function is actually the Switch ID.
All numbers not listed just remove the map fog

Dec Hex Description
009 0009 Dim. But seemed less so than 127.
010 000A flashing red
011 000B Seemed dim but less than 9.
012 000C Really similar to 11.
015 000F Green Fog
017 0011 Dark room, but less so than 127/63.
030 001E Foggy look. slightly greenish
031 001F Seemed dim but even less than 11/12.
032 0020 Slightly more dim than 31.
040 0028 Bright. Blueish tint.
042 002A Mid-range Dimness. Between 126/17.
041 0029 Dim. Greenish tint.
045 002D Flashing Blue
061 003D Bright
062 003E Yet another level of dimness.
063 003F Similar to 127. super dark.
067 0043 looked like a stronger version of the ambient cave lighting
069 0045 seemed foggy + dim
071 0047 seemed foggy + dim. less so than 69
072 0048 Pale Green Fog with oscillating thickness *epilepsy warning*
076 004C foggy
077 004D fog going in and out
081 0051 yet another level of dimness
089 0059 bright fog
103 0067 Pale pink fog (very thin)
104 0068 Blue ambient light
109 006D Thinner White Fog
111 006F Thin white fog
125 007D Thin white Fog
126 007E Black in distance. Large ring of visibility
127 007F Full Black. Can't see walls or floor
133 0085 White Ambient Light
134 0086 Thinner White Fog
137 0089 Thick Orange Fog, Large Ring of visibility
140 008C VERY dim green ambient light
151 0097 Thin purple\white fog
152 0098 Dark Red Light
153 0099 Blue\Green thin fog
160 00A0 Faint purple light

4113 1011 Same as 17, but for rooms? (This at least works in seabed. I advise trying the one above, and if it doesn't work add 4096 (0x1000) to it and try again. Be careful though, if you put this in a room that uses the lower numbers it will crash)

25 - Boss Teleporter
Label 5 is the Switch ID. Set to -1 to have always unlocked. (same for ruins 3 boss teleporter)

128 - Forest Door
To change the door's color/symbol, you must use a hextodec converter and translate 2 byte values. The "Door ID" label is where everything is done. 0000 Red is the first byte, used for placing the color-coded symbol. Blue is the second byte used just as any other ID label. Put this into the converter and get your decimal value.
Red Byte
00 = Red Door w/ negative sign.
01 = White Door w/ one dot
02 = w/ two dots.
03 = w/ three dots.
04 = w/ lowercase i.
05 = w/ long vertical line.
06 = w/ exclamation point.
07 = w/ long vertical line & two dots on left side.
08 = w/ long vertical line & three dots on right side.
09 = w/ lowercase i & long vertical line.

141 - Rico Message Pod
Label 4 is Door ID (-1 to be on by default.)
Label 5 and label 6 = function number to call from the script. Make sure label 5 and label 6 are the same!

146 - Fixed Type Box
Between Full Random, Random Item, and Fixed Item, only one of these values must be set to 1 while the others are set to 0. Depending on what you set, Item Parameter will do different things. For Full Random, Item Parameter does not do anything, as the drop result will be completely random and dependent on the area you are in. Random on the other hand is random within a limited ranged depending on what you set the Item Parameter is. See below:

0 = Weapons
16777216 = Armor
33554432 = MAGs
50331648 = Consumables
67108864 = Meseta

If Random Item is set to 1 and your Item Parameter is corresponding to one of the above, you will get a random item within that category.

For Fixed Item, its value must be set to 1 while Full Random and Random Item must be set to 0. For a random untekked weapon or SPECIAL WEAPON, both Random Item and Fixed Item must be set to 1. The Item Parameter you set is the hex value for certain items or weapons. For example, a Power Material is written as 030B0000. Using the programmer's calculator on Windows or an online tool can help you translate hex to decimal which will come out to 51052544 which you will set as your Item Parameter. Only certain item types can be written down in the Item Parameter, otherwise the box will drop nothing.

Note: Additionally, programs such as item maker are strangely inaccurate when creating certain items. For example, a Blade is 00030200, but instead that will make a Glaive appear which is 00040200. Each bit classifies an item from left to right. for Blade, 00 is Item Category, 03 is Item Type, and 02 is Item Tier. In this scenario, the Item Type (Dagger series) is off by 1 point higher than what it should be. Decrease this byte by 1 while still in hex, then translate to decimal to get the appropriate decimal value to place into your Item Parameter. This may not be the case for all items, however.

51 - Stage NPC
Cave 1 Subtypes: 0= Caves Box
1= Nano Dragon
2= Pan Arms
3= Hidoom
4= Migium
5= Pal Shark
6= Guil Shark
7= Evil Shark
8= Grass Assassin
9= Mini Grass Assassin
10= Poison Lily
Cave 2 Subtypes: 0= Caves Box
1= Nano Dragon
2= Slime
3= Rare Slime
4= Pal Shark
5= Guil Shark
6= Evil Shark
7= Grass Assassin
8= Mini Grass Assassin
9= Poison Lily
Cave 3 Subtypes: 0= Caves Box
1= Nano Dragon
2= Pan Arms
3= Hidoom
4= Migium
5= Slime
6= Rare Slime
7= Pal shark
8= Guil Shark
9= Evil Shark
10= Grass Assassin
11= Mini Grassassin
12= Poison Lily

35 - Targetable Object
Label 3 is Switch ID
Label 4 is HP

192 - Floor Panel 1
Works pretty much like Ruins' Floor Panel 4.
Stay Active: Set to -1 for the switch to deactivate upon stepping off.

195 - Caves Smashing Pillar
Label 3: ???? Unknown. Setting it to 90 seems to alter the damage or something
Label 4 is Switch ID.
Label 6 determines how the pillar works. Keeping it at 0 makes it work automatically, smashing nonstop. Setting it to 1 makes it inactive by default while stepping on a panel causes it to start smashing. Setting it to 2 works almost the same, except the pillar will not smash down until the panel is stepped off.

222 - Floor Panel 2
The one you shouldn't use. Doesn't work for whatever reason.

224 - Destructable Rock
Label 4 is Switch ID that matches the Switch ID on the Targetable Object.

51 - Stage NPC
Mine 1 Subtypes: 0= Mines Box
1= Canadine
2= Canane
3= Gillchic
4= Dubchic
5= Garanz
6= Garanz Broke
7= Sinow Blue
8= Sinow Gold
Mine 2 Subtypes: 0-8= Same as Mine 1
9= Little Flying Robot

130 - Sinow Blue/Gold
To have them spawn from the ceiling, you need a Y position of 65-80, depending on how high the ceiling is.

359 - Popup Traps (techs)
HP: How many hits it takes to destroy the trap.
Action: Literally Switch ID.
Tech: 0 = Foie
1 = Gizonde
2 = Gibarta
3 = Megid
4 = Gifoie

51 - Stage NPC
Ruin 1 Subtypes: 0= Bulclaw
1= Claw
2= Dark Belra
3= Del Saber
4= Sol Dimenian
5= La Dimenian
6= Dimenian
7= Chaos Sorcerer
8= Pillar Trap
9= Poison Blob
Ruin 2 Subtypes: 0= Chaos Bringer
1= Delsaber
2= So Dimenian
3= La Dimenian
4= Dimenian
5= Pillar Trap
6= Poison Blob
Ruin 3 Subtypes: 0= Dark Belra
1= Chaos Bringer
2= So Dimenian
3= La Dimenian
4= Dimenian
5= Chaos Sorcerer
6= Pillar Trap
7= Poison Blob

162 - Dark Gunner
You only need one 162 per wave that contains dark and death gunners. To make them appear, create more Dark Gunners and change their Skin ID to 163.

35 - Targetable Object
Label 4 is Switch ID

222 - Floor Panel 2
Completely pointless and bugged. Use Floor Panel 4 (323), even for two way doors.

320 - Ruins Teleporter
No Disp Number should be set to -1 for a red warp

323 - Floor Panel 4
Stay Active must be set to -1 in order to prevent the button from staying down upon contact. If this is not what you wish to do however, keep it at 0 so that it does not require multiple people to open the corresponding door.
Note: If the door you wish to open (for example) is a 4-Button door with a Door ID of 50, the Plate IDs must be 50, 51, 52, and 53 as a 4-Button door automatically uses the next three IDs. Obviously, a 2-Button door would only use two Plate IDs.

330 - Ruins 4-Button Door
Stay Active must correspond to the Stay Active value of Floor Panel 4 (323). Failure to do so will force the door to close once stepping off, thus making it impossible to go through.

331 - Ruins 2-Button Door
Same as above. But with some innovation, setting Stay Active to 0 while the Floor Panels have a Stay Active of -1 can be used to force a group to split. Use your imagination.

332 - Ruins Sensor
Label 4 is the Switch ID to make it float away.
Note: Switch ID 1 needs to be unlocked for it to work.

352 - Poison
Parameter is actually Poison Power
Link is how the poison is activated. Set to 0 for poison to be on by default. Set to 1 to make poison activation dependent on an event or switch.
Switch Mode is actually poison room visibility (4141 to make it visible)
Poison Power is actually Switch ID. Unlock turns it on, Lock turns it off.

356 - Enemy Type Box (Blue)
Label 4 is the event you want to call
51 - Stage NPC
Makes a monster NPC on the stage. All stage NPCs work similar to Pioneer 2 NPCs.
Use: Place a normal monster then change it's skin ID to 51. Click OK, then re-edit its data to get new labels. Change subtype to get a different model.
Temple Alpha & Beta Subtypes: 0= Rappy
1= Love Rappy
2= Mothmant
3= Monest
4= Dark Belra
5= So Dimenian
6= La Dimenian
7= Dimenian
8= Mini Hildebear
9= Hildebear
10= Hildeblue
11= Grass Assassin
12= Mini Grass Assassin
13= Poison Lily
14= Pillar Trap

425 - small brown brick rising bridge
Label 4: Switch ID

426 - long rising bridge (with pink high edges)
Label 4: Switch ID

553 - VR link
Label 4: Set to -1 to make it visible.

696 - Talk (link to support)
Label 1: Set to 20 to allow the player to talk to it. Completely necessary. Always do this.
Label 4: Function. Like on Forest Consoles.
Note: Always set it 10 points above ground level to line up evenly with VR link.

51 - Stage NPC
Spaceship Alpha Subtypes: 0= Barbarous Wolf
1= Savage Wolf
2= Delsaber
3= Gillchic
4= Dubchic
5= Garanz
6= Garanz broke
7= Pan Arms
8= Hidoom
9= Migium
10= Pillar Trap
Spaceship Beta Subtypes: 0= Barbarous Wolf
1= Savage Wolf
2= Delsaber
3= Gillchic
4= Dubchic
5= Pan Arms
6= Hidoom
7= Migium
8= Chaos Sorcerer
9= Pillar Trap


Central Control Area
51 - Stage NPC
CCA Subtypes: 0= Rappy
1= Love Rappy
2= Ul Gibbon
3= Zol Gibbon
4= Gee
Note: CCA Stage NPC subtypes are all the same for Jungle East & North, Mountains, and Seaside.

212 - Sinow Berill / Sinow Spigell
Label 1: 0 = Invisible Ground Spawn
1 = Invisible Ceiling Spawn (drop from wherever they spawn and get up)
2 = Visible Ground Spawn
3 = Visible Ceiling Spawn
Label 6: 0 = Sinow Berill
1 = Sinow Spigell

515 - Teleporter (Ep 2)
Label 4: Floor Number
Label 6: 0 for Red, 1 for Blue.

528 - Laser Detect
Action: Switch ID. Activates Popup Traps (techs)
Label 4: Set to -2147483264 for it to rotate in half circles.







51 - Stage NPC
Seabed Upper & Lower Subtypes: 0= Seabed Box
1= Recon
2= Recon Box
3= Dolphin
4= Dolmolm
5= Delbiter
6= Deldepth
7= Deldepth form 2
8= Sinow Zoa
9= Sinow Zele
10= Sinow Zoa dead
11= Sinow Zele dead
12= Morfos
13= Dolmdarl

224 - Sinow Zoa / Sinow Zele
Label 1: 0 = Invisible Ground Spawn
1 = Invisible Ceiling Spawn (drop from wherever they spawn and get up)
2 = Visible Ground Spawn
3 = Visible Ceiling Spawn
Label 6: 0 = Sinow Berill
1 = Sinow Spigell


Seaside Night
51 - Stage NPC
Seaside Night Subtypes: 0= Rappy
1= Love Rappy
2= Recon
3= Recon Box


51 - Stage NPC
Tower Subtypes: 0= Recon
1= Recon Box
2= Del Lily
3= Gee Nest
4= Gi Gue
5= Mericarol
6= Ill Gill
7= Gibbles
8= Delbiter
9= Epsilon

69 - NPC Rappy
Makes Sand Rappy an NPC that functions like Pioneer 2 NPCs. Works for all areas in Episode IV. Skin 51 is not supported.





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Ah, it's good to see you're still around!
Thank you for the quests you've made, I enjoy them a lot.
I'm still hoping to see a Knight of Coral for Episode 4 someday. :)
Small little update with special boxes (brown boxes). While these labels are clearly labeled, what to do with them may not be so obvious without looking at other quests. This will be placed in Episode 1 Forest Objects, since this is the first place you can chronologically find this item.

146 - Fixed Type Box
Between Full Random, Random Item, and Fixed Item, only one of these values must be set to 1 while the others are set to 0. Depending on what you set, Item Parameter will do different things. For Full Random, Item Parameter does not do anything, as the drop result will be completely random and dependent on the area you are in. Random on the other hand is random within a limited ranged depending on what you set the Item Parameter is. See below:

0 = Weapons
16777216 = Armor
33554432 = MAGs
50331648 = Consumables
67108864 = Meseta

If Random Item is set to 1 and your Item Parameter is corresponding to one of the above, you will get a random item within that category.

For Fixed Item, its value must be set to 1 while Full Random and Random Item must be set to 0. For a random untekked weapon or SPECIAL WEAPON, both Random Item and Fixed Item must be set to 1. The Item Parameter you set is the hex value for certain items or weapons. For example, a Power Material is written as 030B0000. Using the programmer's calculator on Windows or an online tool can help you translate hex to decimal which will come out to 51052544 which you will set as your Item Parameter. Only certain item types can be written down in the Item Parameter, otherwise the box will drop nothing.

Note: Additionally, programs such as item maker are strangely inaccurate when creating certain items. For example, a Blade is 00030200, but instead that will make a Glaive appear which is 00040200. Each bit classifies an item from left to right. for Blade, 00 is Item Category, 03 is Item Type, and 02 is Item Tier. In this scenario, the Item Type (Dagger series) is off by 1 point higher than what it should be. Decrease this byte by 1 while still in hex, then translate to decimal to get the appropriate decimal value to place into your Item Parameter. This may not be the case for all items, however.
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146 - Fixed Type Box
From teth source, it basically does this
if (flag1 == 0)
    if (flag2 == 1.0)
        if (flag3 == 1.0)
            if (item_data == 0) // all first 4 bytes are 0
                // random box from itempt
                // based on the data set on the weapon
            // random item based on the data set for the box
// rare, if we don't return in the cases up there

0 = Weapons
16777216 = Consumables
33554432 =MAGs
50331648 = Armor
67108864 = Meseta
I think you made a little mistake here, armor and consumables seem to be swapped...
16777216 = 01000000 = armor
50331648 = 03000000 = consumables
But anyway, people don't need these conversions, if QEdit doesn't let you add the item code as hex, as you said before, just grab a hex converter and it will do the trick. Windows (10) calculator in programmer mode shows both hex and dec (as well as oct and bin).

Note: All weapon drops will appear as untekked, including non-rares that will initially show unknown specials.
All weapons generated by the random drop (and rare drop) are untekked by default (afaik).

Additionally, programs such as item maker are strangely inaccurate when creating certain items. For example, a Blade is 0003020, but instead that will make a Glaive appear which is 0004020. Each bit classifies an item from left to right. for Blade, 00 is Item Category, 03 is Item Type, and 20 is Item Tier.
I'm afraid that's wrong... the item makers are just fine, teth server for some reason has the following code for "// NON random item based on the data set on the box"
if (l->gameItem[itemNum].item.data[0] < 0x02)
    l->gameItem[itemNum].item.data[1]++; // Fix item offset
Right away I'd say this code is in place because maybe sega quests had the item group off by 1.
However it's weird because if the item is part of the armors, frames will be made barriers, barriers will be made units and units will be made invalid items.
Basically if your item is NOT a tool or a mag or meseta, subtract 65536 (0x10000) from it before setting it into qedit and it should be fine.

Btw, you made another mistake in that last part, your hex values have 7 digits not 8, with the items this is a big deal, there is no
item category 3 type 20... you meant type 02, maybe because of that missing 0 at the end.
Oh yes, you would be right about those few things, a couple of those things were just silly mistakes I made. I also seem to have made a typo in the hex when I was trying to set weapons in the Item Parameter. Nothing dropped when I inserted the values. That was a my bad. Thank you for the input, however. I fixed the important parts at the moment, but I'll perhaps focus on the minute details later. Both my post and original post have been updated.
Some more for your list. Not sure if all this stuff goes here, but someone might stumble on it and need it.
All numbers not listed just remove the map fog

Dec Hex Description
009 0009 Dim. But seemed less so than 127.
010 000A flashing red
011 000B Seemed dim but less than 9.
012 000C Really similar to 11.
015 000F Green Fog
017 0011 Dark room, but less so than 127/63.
030 001E Foggy look. slightly greenish
031 001F Seemed dim but even less than 11/12.
032 0020 Slightly more dim than 31.
040 0028 Bright. Blueish tint.
042 002A Mid-range Dimness. Between 126/17.
041 0029 Dim. Greenish tint.
045 002D Flashing Blue
061 003D Bright
062 003E Yet another level of dimness.
063 003F Similar to 127. super dark.
067 0043 looked like a stronger version of the ambient cave lighting
069 0045 seemed foggy + dim
071 0047 seemed foggy + dim. less so than 69
072 0048 Pale Green Fog with oscillating thickness *epilepsy warning*
076 004C foggy
077 004D fog going in and out
081 0051 yet another level of dimness
089 0059 bright fog
103 0067 Pale pink fog (very thin)
104 0068 Blue ambient light
109 006D Thinner White Fog
111 006F Thin white fog
125 007D Thin white Fog
126 007E Black in distance. Large ring of visibility
127 007F Full Black. Can't see walls or floor
133 0085 White Ambient Light
134 0086 Thinner White Fog
137 0089 Thick Orange Fog, Large Ring of visibility
140 008C VERY dim green ambient light
151 0097 Thin purple\white fog
152 0098 Dark Red Light
153 0099 Blue\Green thin fog
160 00A0 Faint purple light

4113 1011 Same as 17, but for rooms? (This at least works in seabed. I advise trying the one above, and if it doesn't work add 4096 (0x1000) to it and try again. Be careful though, if you put this in a room that uses the lower numbers it will crash)

Max quest number is 38527

1: Boolean Zoning? (1 for yes, 0 for no)
A zoning canidine will remain suspended at spawn height and fire gizonde

(220) Delbiter
Types: 1 = charging entry
percents should be in decimal form (20% = 0.2)

(224) Sinow Zoa / Epsilon
This skin ID will display as a sinow zoa or an epsilon depending on map
jumping epsilon:
1: 100
2: 0
3: 0.7
4: 0.7
5: 0
6: 0
Dropping Sinow
1: 1
2: 0
3: -0.2
4: -0.1
5: 0.3
6: (subtype)
(162) Dark Gunner
Needs a 'spawner object' (id163) in same wave for them to appear.

1: Recon Floating Height
4: Active Recons at a time
6: Rotation X\Z
2 = Facing Forward

1: Lasers to fire in succession

Laser Detect
1: No idea, should be value 1 though
2: No idea, should be value 1 though
Model: 0 = short
1 = long
Action: Action event to trigger (this should be same as on popup traps)
4: Rotation amount (in some wierd system)
0* 0
90* 1073742160
180* -2147483264
360* 23593216
5: Rotations before going backwards?

360 spin without stopping (as taken from sega cca files)
4: 23593216
5: 65536

Popup traps
Tech: 0 = foie
1 = gizonde
2 = gibarta
3 = magid
4+ = gifoie

Little Stone Wall
4: Door ID that destroys (?)

1: (first 3 bytes of object in decimal) (mag = 0x020000 = 131072)

Character ID: Needs to be a small number (Try 0-512) (used with message opcode)
Function: Function that's called when you talk to them


Fog Collision SW
1: 1
2 (start off): 0
3: Fog Value (See previous spoiler)
4: 0
5 (function): switch value

Color:(0=blue, 1=red)
Boss Warp
5: DoorID

switch Mode:4141 (visible)
parameter: poison power (6x for ult)
Poison Power:-1

Cave Smashy Pillar (195)
1: drop speed (more negative = faster)
3: Damage

bind to switch:

Ruins Falling Box
3: speed it falls (lower = faster)
15 = average
5 = super fast
4: Damage
6: Timer (frames?)

Status Trap Values
3: Trap group ID
4: Damage (256 being a normal value?)
5: Type
14 = Poison
16 = Paralysis
17 = Slow
18 = Confusion
6: Timer

Elemental Trap Values:
3: Trap group ID
4: Damage (256 being a normal value?)
5: Type
1 = Lower Damage
2 = Freeze
3 = Shock
4 = Higher Damage
6: Timer

Text control
<hero name> Hero Name
<hero Job> Class (Fomarl / Racast / etc.)
<R1> Contents of Register 1
<cr> Line Break
<color #> Change color of text
0 = Black
1 = Blue
2 = Green
3 = Cyan
4 = Red
5 = Pink
6 = Yellow (hard to read)
7+ = No good (makes little white pipes out of your characters)

enable_bgmctrl reg plays bgm, must create_bgmctrl first
Nothing 00000000
epi1.adx 00000001
epi2.apx 00000002
ED_Piano 00000003
matter.adx 00000004
open.adx 00000005
dreams.adx 00000006
mambo.adx 00000007
carnival.adx 00000008
hearts.adx 00000009
smiles.adx 0000000A
nomal.adx 0000000B
chu_f.adx 0000000C
Ending_loop.adx 0000000D
DreamS_Kids,adx 0000000E
Escape.adx 0000000F
live.adx 00000010
Miles.adx 00000011
se dword Plays sound effect
00000000 (SE_SYS_CURSOR)
00000001 (SE_SYS_DECIDE)
00000002 (SE_PL_GETITEM)
00000003 (SE_SYS_WINOPEN)
00000004 (SE_SYS_WINCLOSE)
00000005 (SE_SYS_HUKIDASI)
00000006 (SE_SYS_WARNING)
00000007 (SE_SYS_CHAT1)
00000008 (SE_SYS_CHAT2)
00000009 (SE_SYS_CHAT3)
0000000A (SE_SYS_CHAT4)
0000000B (SE_SYS_CHAT5)
0000000C (SE_SYS_CHAT6)
0000000D (SE_SYS_CHAT7)
0000000E (SE_SYS_CHAT8)
00000011 (SE_SYS_USEITEM)
00000012 (SE_SYS_QUEST_OK)
00000014 (SE_SYS_QUEST_GAAN)
00000016 (SE_SYS_CANCEL)
00000018 (SE_SYS_CLOCK)
00000019 (SE_SYS_WHISTLE)
0000001B (SE_SYS_JAMING1)
0000001C (SE_SYS_JAMING2)
0000001D (SE_SYS_ALART)
0000001E (SE_SYS_LVUP)
00000020 (SE_SYS_SHATTER)
00000021 (SE_PROTO2_WALK)
00000022 (SE_PROTO2_ACTION1)
00000023 (SE_PROTO2_ACTION2)
00000024 (SE_PROTO2_LANDING)
00000025 (SE_PROTO2_ACTION3)
00000026 (SE_PROTO2_SWORD1)
00000027 (SE_PROTO2_SWORD2)
00000028 (SE_PROTO2_SWORD3)
00000029 (SE_PROTO2_WAVE1)
0000002A (SE_PROTO2_WAVE2)
0000002B (SE_PROTO2_FIND)
00000030 (SE_PROTO2_PBSTART)
00000031 (SE_PROTO2_TENBATU)
00000033 (SE_PROTO2_CHANGE)
00000036 (SE_PROTO2_MAGSAY)
00000037 (SE_PROTO2_MAGCRY)
open_pack_select Opens a window with all your items in it
get_item_id reg fills reg with a pointer to the pack slot selected with open_pack_select
Pack slots start with slot 1 at 0x00010000 and count upwards to 0x000101D
Returns -1 on a canceled open_pack_select
get_item_info reg1 reg2 takes the item in reg1 and puts it into reg2 as an array (3dwords in 12 registers)
0 (204) Gallon's Shop uses flag 40000000
0 (204) Gallon's Shop uses for points
1 (27) Seat of the Heart Flags 00000100 00000200 00000400 00000080 00000040 are set on start & end
1 (203) Reach for the Dream Uses flag 00000010 for check for CHU CHU ROCKET PUZZLE
2 (118) Towards the Future 00000400 Purple Ring \ 10000000 Black Ring
2 (137) Rappy's Holiday Points
2 (138) Gallon's Treachery Uses flag 00000200 for completion
2 (138) Gallon's Treachery uses flag 00000100 for getting 'Rakoia Stone'
2 (141) Labyrinthine Trial uses flag 00000080
2 (207) Pioneer Halloween uses all?
2 (223) The East Tower sets flag 00000020 on completion
2 (224) The West Tower sets flag 00000040 on completion
2 (224) The West Tower uses flag 00000020
2 (231) Respective Tomorrow
2 (315) 荒野のくちばし亭 Ver2 uses flag 40000000
3 (144) MA4 total ep1 kills
3 (211) MA2 ep2 Lucky Tickets
3 (216) Singing by the Beach Lucky Tickets
4 (144) MA4 total ep2 kills
5 (33) Pioneer Spirit Uses flag 00010000 Karen's Dialog Decission
5 (33) Pioneer Spirit Uses flag 00040000 on "No Eplilog" selection
5 (30) Warrier's Pride Uses flag 00010000 (toggle on completion)
5 (32) Restless Lion uses flag 00020000 (toggle on completion)
5 (816) 新掃討作戦 第一号 uses flag 00200000 for item creation
5 (817) 新掃討作戦 第二号 uses flag 00400000 for item creation
5 (818) 新掃討作戦 第三号 uses flag 00800000 for item creation
5 (819) 新掃討作戦 第四号 uses flag 01000000 for item creation
5 (820) 新掃討作戦 第五号 uses flag 02000000 for item creation
6 (314) Maximum Attack 3 v2
6 (315) 荒野のくちばし亭 Ver2
7 (415) 4-5:Dark Inheritance seems to only use 0000000X
8 (144) MA4 total ep4 kills
9 (1) Beach Laugher weapon's selected?
10 (1) Beach Laugher seems to use different bits for different 'Hearts'
11 (233) Phantasmal World #1 Lucky Coins
11 (234) Phantasmal World #2 Lucky Coins
11 (235) Phantasmal World #3 Lucky Coins
11 (236) Phantasmal World #4 Lucky Coins
12 (314) Maximum Attack 3 v2
12 (315) 荒野のくちばし亭 Ver2
13 (36) 荒野の果てに Uses 00000XXX (for setup?)
13 (311) クレアの取引4 uses flag 000010000
14 (144) MA4 used for total kills
15 (144) MA4

0052 (27) Seat of the Heart Defeated Gol Dragon
00A1 (27) Seat of the Heart Completed Quest
00D9 (27) Seat of the Heart Met Sue
0087 (27) Seat of the Heart Cleared Shape of the Heart
010E (27) Seat of the Heart Shape of the Heart in progress
010F (27) Seat of the Heart Save with Sue Flag
0105 (72) Central Dome Fire Swirl
0106 (72) Central Dome Fire Swirl
0107 (72) Central Dome Fire Swirl
0108 (72) Central Dome Fire Swirl
0109 (72) Central Dome Fire Swirl
010A (72) Central Dome Fire Swirl
010B (72) Central Dome Fire Swirl
0110 (27) Seat of the Heart Save without Ragol Ring
0111 (27) Seat of the Heart ???
0112 (27) Seat of the Heart ???
0113 (27) Seat of the Heart Received Ragol Ring
022F (27) Seat of the Heart A Requirement to play the quest
Not sure if anyone's already done this one or not, but UnknownF883 reads how many other players are within X units of the player in slot Y.

UnknownF883 [R1, R2], R3
R1 = Slot Number
R2 = Distance
R3 = Output (number of other players within R2 distance of player in R1)

0:      set_episode 00000000
        BB_Map_Designate 00, 0000, 00, 00
        leti R2, 00000028
        set R74
        set_quest_board_handler 00000000, 400, 'Thing'
402:    get_slotnumber R1
        unknownF883 R1, R3
400:    list R9, 'Check<cr>Change R2'
        switch_jmp R9, 2:402:401
401:    list R9, '10<cr>20<cr>30<cr>40<cr>50<cr>60<cr>70<cr>80'
        switch_jmp R9, 8:1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8
1:      leti R2, 0000000A
2:      leti R2, 00000014
3:      leti R2, 0000001E
4:      leti R2, 00000028
5:      leti R2, 00000032
6:      leti R2, 0000003C
7:      leti R2, 00000046
8:      leti R2, 00000050


  • f883.qst
    2.2 KB · Views: 9
Yeah, I named it get_player_proximity back in 2012, which was apparently the last time I did an ASM update. :eek: It's a very handy opcode, especially for V2, where there aren't really any other options for this kind of functionality.
AAAAnnnnd that's why qedit needed an editable file for opcode names >.< (and one for object for that matter). Did you by chance keep any documentation on stuff you did that you'd share? I've only found Rika's and qedit.info.
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Iirc there is a way to use custom "definition" files, those are encrypted and I didn't bother to figure out the code out of the delphi source.
You might want to talk to Wilhuf.
Yes, Qedit supports manual configuration of the opcode, monster, and item names, as well as all of the names for each field in the map data, e.g. here's my edit window for Sinow Berill based on my documention of its functionality:


Schthack asked me to not release my developer documentation and create competing assembly lists many years ago, and so I've been respecting that request and continuing to work on Qedit by myself for the last seven-plus years. Now that Schthack has declared Qedit development dead and released the source code, I'm planning to include my developer files with the comprehensive Qedit manual I intend to eventually write so that everybody can use the most updated version.
I don't suppose you'd share how to do that? I've been rewriting the script compiler to get around that.
Even if Ives didn't, all you need to do (afaik) is just have the right file with the right encryption in the root (or some other folder) of QEdit (but he said he'll eventually do it?).
I might try to do that just for the lulz... either way a rewrite the of the tool has been calling for a while.

Turns out the custom files don't even need encryption (all of them?)
But I don't know if the files present in the source are up to date with those in the current QEdit package.
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Some stuff:

Episode 2 Sinows

Variable 1

0 - Invisible Ground Spawn
1 - Invisible Ceiling Spawn (drop from wherever they spawn and get up)
2 - Visible Ground Spawn
3 - Visible Ceiling Spawn

Variable 6:

0 - Sinow Zoa / Sinow Berrill
1 - Sinow Zele / Sinow Spigell


Variable 1:

This is the Y co-ordinate at which Recons gain control. They will float upwards until they reach this co-ordinate (or are above it), and since much of Seabed takes place at -30 to -90, it can cause them to never work if you don't apply this correctly. I just set this to -100 unless I require them to be at a certain height in a room.

Variable 4:

Amount of Recons to send out at once.

Variable 6:

0 - Floor Recobox
1 - Ceiling Recobox
2 - Wall Recobox

Regarding Warp Destinations, the X and Z co-ordinates are off by 10. This means if you want to warp to the point 100X, 100Z, place 110X and 110Z in the Warp Destination parameters.

For rotations in general:

0 - 0 degree turn
8192 - 45 degree turn to the left
16384 - 90 degree turn to the left
24576 - 135 degree turn to the left
32768 - 180 degree turn

Use negatives for the right.

For warp destinations, you always face south. 3D View is off and doesn't have its rotation co-ordinations default to south, so don't use those.

Use: 16384 for East, -16384 for West and 32768 for North (or whatever number you need for whatever direction).
Actually I've found that you always face the default direction of the monsters for a room when you warp into it, which is normally south but not always. (which is a real pain). But thanks for the info about the warp destination offset.
I don't think that's true, because I have a warp in Seabed which goes to here:


But I have a destination rotation of 16384 and they face towards the east after they warp:


I think the offset might vary from map to map though, because in Desert I tried the same:


But that's not the middle like pictured here:


I suppose it's possible that the offset can go the other way, because I tried -10 Z (with +10 X) and it worked fine:


And the for another room, I did an offset of -10 X (and +10Z) which put me in the middle:

I think it really varies on what you're doing, but the offset will be -10 or +10, either for each X/Z -- it's definitely not accurate normally.
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Thanks for the contribution, Matt. I've added your post to my original post. I only changed around the formatting for the Sinows to fit the style of the original post. The context are all still the same.
huh, guess I was wrong. Thanks for doing the research!
For those interested, some people are porting this information over to qedit.info. That will probably have the most up to date labels from now on.