PSOBB Masters Guide Ep IV Full Scans (JP)


Now available on the Internet Archive at :

Version 1.1:
- Additional cleaning was done to remove dirt visible on two spots on file 005.

Version 1.2:
- Additional cleaning was done on pages 000 (front cover) and 131 (back cover)
- Yellowed tint was significantly reduced on pages 000 (front cover) and 131 (back cover)

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Great, I'm looking for all these PSO's guide .
Thank you for sharing it with us !
Good news!
I bought a second copy of "PSOBB Masters Guide Episode I & II" which I'm unbinding and scanning. Doing it with a different scanner that has a smaller form factor and slightly worse quality due to lack of space on my desk. The lower scan quality should barely be noticeable in the end though (After light color correction, slight downscaling and then compression). Also this copy will only need somewhat minor cleaning compared to the previous PSOBB Masters Guide Ep. I & II that I scanned which required so much cleaning around pages 100+ that it was affecting my mental health a bit.
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Good news!
I bought a second copy of "PSOBB Masters Guide Episode I & II" which I'm unbinding and scanning. Doing it with a different scanner that has a smaller form factor and slightly worse quality due to lack of space on my desk. The lower scan quality should barely be noticeable in the end though (After light color correction, slight downscaling and then compression). Also this copy will only need somewhat minor cleaning compared to the previous PSOBB Masters Guide Ep. I & II that I scanned which required so much cleaning around pages 100+ that it was affecting my mental health a bit.
Yooo… that’s elite!

i’m very thankful for the EPIV scan and the EPI&II one will be the icing on an already delicious cake!
This doesn't sound like off-topic. But we should know everything by now, this game started over twenty years ago.
This doesn't sound like off-topic. But we should know everything by now, this game started over twenty years ago.
Off-topic would be anything that doesn't relate to the server directly. As in Ephinea itself, there can still be PSO stuff posted here.

That said, whether we know everything or not (I'm sure we do not), getting high quality scans of a guidebook is very much appreciated by a lot of people. Yourself excluded, I guess.
Yeah kinda like Sodaboy said I don't see how we knowing "everything" makes decent scans of a book few people had access to useless or not worth a look/download!

Metrics as of July 06 2023 show 322 views on the Internet Archive page which is more than some other seemingly higher profile content I put up...

For EpI&II version of the guidebook I've rearranged my desk to be able to use Epson Perfection V550 scanner (which is pretty bulky), it seems to produce much less artifacts overall. I wish I had done that setup for EpIV book, Epson V39 scanner is a neat and pretty tiny scanner but the loss of quality is a bit harsh when compared directly to V550...
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Hey just updated file 005.jpg of this PSOBB MG Ep IV book.

If you come across page(s) that need further cleaning (I mean with serious dust/hair/grime) please reach out, I'll take a look and likely fix it.
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I just finished additional cleaning on file 000.jpg and 131.jpg which are the front and back covers. I also reduced their yellowish tint. copy should be updated when you read this message but wait for version 1.2 message to appear on the page.
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