PSO High Quality Soundtrack Replacement Pack

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This is a project I've been meaning to get around to, and these past couple days I did just that.

The pack replaces a majority of the files used in the OGG folder of PSOBB, sourced from the official release of the soundtrack in lossless then converted to ogg with new loop points and higher bitrate.

This does not replace any existing track that uses multiplexing, which is what is used to transition between "passive" and "battle" parts of a track. This is due to the transition stages of these tracks not being in the official soundtrack release, making it impossible to convert it entirely to higher quality.

Download Link

This also includes a .txt file listing more information on the files replaced.

All files originated from 'Phantasy Star Music Collection BOX 2000-2007' lossless FLAC

OPENING.ogg // Phantasy Star Online OPENING THEME ~The whole new World~ (Lyric Version)
TITLE.ogg // A song for eternal story
CITY.ogg // Pioneeer2
SOUTOKU.ogg // Codes of silence
DRAGON.ogg // Growl, from the depths of the earth
EPI1.ogg // After the story1
DELO.ogg // From seeing the rough wave
VOL_OPT1.ogg // The crazy program
VOL_OPT2.ogg // You have nowhere to go
EPI2.ogg // After the story2
DARK1.ogg // Pray, for 'IDOLA' the distorted
DARK2.ogg // Cry, for 'IDOLA' the holy
ENDING.ogg // Can still see the light (Lyric Version) ~Phantasy Star Online ENDING THEME
ZARATHUSTRA.ogg // Also sprach Zarathustra -Introduction-
JINGLEBELL.ogg // Christmas (PSU version)
WEDDING.ogg // Wedding march
ADVR.ogg // Prenotion
CHARA.ogg // Image of hero
GUILD.ogg // Crossing3084
MEDICAL.ogg // Healing
SHOP.ogg // Chaotic bar
LOBBY.ogg // Day dawns
VALENTINE.ogg // Valentine
EASTER.ogg // Easter
EVENT.ogg // Day light
HALLOWEEN.ogg // Weird Night
DUEL1.ogg // Versus1 -Tricktrack-
DUEL2.ogg // Versus2 -A longing to ancient times-
ED_PIANO.ogg // Can still see the light ~Phantasy Star Online ENDING THEME~ (Piano Version)
T2.ogg // Leavin flow
T1.ogg // Rose Confession
CUBE_OPENING.ogg // The whole new World ~Phantasy Star Online EPISODE2 OPENING THEME~
LABO.ogg // Silent palace
DELO2.ogg // Revive the secred of rough wave
DRAGON2.ogg // Growl, from the digital haze
GRYPHON.ogg // The frenze wilds
PROTO1.ogg // 'IDOLA' have the immortal feather
PROTO2.ogg // 'IDOLA' have the divine blade
CUBE_ENDING.ogg // World with me ~Phantasy Star Online EPISODE2 ENDING THEME~
slbgm_boss09.ogg // The shell's desert -last boss-
slbgm_boss09b.ogg // 'IDOLA' The Fanatic Viper
EP4_ENDING_FO.ogg // World with me -remix for PSO BB-

Due to issues with the soundtrack itself, DARK1.ogg needed to use a part of the original lower quality ogg in order for it to loop properly.
CUBE_ENDING_LOOP.ogg has been extended with a new looping point.

I may update this in the future to include some of the Episode III tracks and a few others that might exist in the jukebox.

Let me know if you come across any issues and I'll see what I can do about fixing them.
Also might as well post this here:

There's an issue with BASS.ogg in the PSOBB client that is causing it to loop improperly, creating audible clicks in the right channel. This is heard after selecting a character and loading into the ships menu and bursting into rooms. The file itself was too long, cutting it by 6 samples resulted in a smooth loop.

Here's a link to the fixed file
Last edited:
It's come to my attention that "DARK1.ogg" was missing LOOP_START metadata in my pack. I have fixed this in the attached file, which you should simply throw in and replace the existing "DARK1.ogg" with. I will also update the download link at some point but I'm lazy. You could also edit in the metadata yourself if you don't want to download, simply put in a LOOP_START tag with sample point 1080423.


  • DARK1.ogg
    4.9 MB
Oh right, I've been meaning to update my new install with this but I keep forgetting to ask. Thank you.
Not sure if you're still updating this but DRAGON.OGG has a audible crackle ingame that doesn't show when playing the file by itself.
Oh, nevermind. It does, I just didn't notice it. It's not crackling, its the game randomly raising the volume of the SFX/Music and then going back down to what I set it, weird.
Does the crackling not happen when using the original dragon.ogg?
Oh, nevermind. It does, I just didn't notice it. It's not crackling, its the game randomly raising the volume of the SFX/Music and then going back down to what I set it, weird.
What is your Windows speaker configuration and output set to?

Sometimes PSO does weird things with certain audio chipsets, speaker configurations, and bitrate / hz settings.

I'd imagine if you set Windows to output at 16/24 bit and 48khz stereo only, it'd be fine. But you shouldn't HAVE to do this... Just saying, if it annoys you that much.
Also might as well post this here:

There's an issue with BASS.ogg in the PSOBB client that is causing it to loop improperly, creating audible clicks in the right channel. This is heard after selecting a character and loading into the ships menu and bursting into rooms. The file itself was too long, cutting it by 6 samples resulted in a smooth loop.

Here's a link to the fixed file
The link is dead. Have you updated the main upload to include the fixed files? If not it would be appreciated if you could.