OWIES!!!!! =(

Harborer of Hope

That Others May Live!
Staff member
Well, Dumbass sister of mew left her car window open when it started raining....HARD...So like an idiot, mew tried hobbling out to get the window up....and slipped on the wet grass near the driveway....and MAAAAY has broken/sprained her weak foot.....BADLY! On way to hospital NOW....Hopefully mew'll still be online tonight! nya~! =( <3!
Ouch :c Hope it's a quick heal!
THAT'S another concern for this kitty...since it's her WEAK foot...it may take a lil' LONGER for it to heal...VS. a normal purrson =/. But mew is already home and trying to put weight on it Aaaand debating on logging online right NOW! ........You know what...the MOMENT mew gets her foot elevated on the bed, puts an ice pack, and scarfs some ibuprofin she's Logging on! <3!
That should teach you a valuable lesson about helping siblings. Don't.

Jokes aside, hopefully you'll be fine before you know it mew and if not then there is always taking even more ibuprofen.
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That should teach you a valuable lesson about helping siblings. Don't.

Jokes aside, hopefully you'll be fine before you know it mew and if not then there is always taking even more ibuprofen.
OHhhhhh BELIEVE mew.....the Entire short distance mew was Crawling on the wet grass to get to her patio to pull herself up on her feet....NO Sentence she was hissing through her teeth didn't start with "F" or didn't end with her sister's name!! But mew digresses, Nothing 'good' for mew had ever come from halping this ONE sibling.... le sigh.... And yes, TY, dear! *pops another profen just before login~!* H.....Hey....ibuprofin doesn't make you SLEEPY does it? *Googles in a Panic!*
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OHhhhhh BELIEVE mew.....the Entire short distance mew was Crawling on the wet grass to get to her patio to pull herself up on her feet....NO Sentence she was hissing through her teeth didn't start with "F" or end with her sister's name!! But mew digresses, Nothing 'good' for mew had ever come from halping this ONE sibling.... le sigh.... And yes, TY, dear! *pops another profen just before login~!* H.....Hey....ibuprofin doesn't make you SLEEPY does it? *Googles in a Panic!*
Oh mew, if the ibuprofen is making you sleepy, I suggest going the ER and having your kidneys checked out. :P
Oh mew, if the ibuprofen is making you sleepy, I suggest going the ER and having your kidneys checked out. :p
According to the Almighty Google...YES ibuprofen makes one sleepeh, besides other crap like dizzy....etc. kidneys SHOULD be fiiiiiine, nya~! =3