New to this server not pso


hey guys I've seen some familiar names so I'm sure some of you remember me from ultima as I do some of you. So I came from ultima I have 6 characters there I'm leaving behind. I've been playing pso since dreamcast came out with it in roughly 01. I quit for sometime after there servers shut down played Xbox offline a little. A few months back I found bb for pc and couldn't have been happier. It was a toss up between this server and ultima and the only reason it won then was all of the cool custom items and higher exp. Don't get me wrong soly makes that server super good and I appreciate him for it. I just got sick of many things, there dwindling population for one cant find a game much anymore. Two most the people on don't speak English during the day nor do I speak spanish I'll test the waters with this one but it's out of honesty there's alot of panzies there. They here the word shit and they ask GMs for the ban hammer. You hear worse driving to the store....And a biggie here is alot if not every GM over there doesn't care if people leave. People get upset or wanna change something at the end of the day the GM says don't like it leave oh well. Which this might be true but don't say it to be cocky cuz alot of people have been leaving there well you don't care have fun with doing your hard work for a server of 20 something....And Oh yeah there economy sucks they took several items out of the game and made em event go there trying to buy a Pgf item over $250 real life dollars for a game that's free lol

Hopefully this is better of an experience but starting over ouch....
Sorry your pso experiences previously were not to your satisfaction. I hope you have more enjoyment here!! Welcome to ephinea :3
Oh man that sounds rough, glad my first choice was ephinea now.
Well the horrors over now my friend, you've come to the wonderful little life raft that is Ephinea! [n.n]

Hope you enjoy yourself here bro, things are a little different here.
For one we dont tolerate RMT's at all, so dont even speak of dollar signs here.
This is a game. to have fun. and enjoy with friends. that you make on here. [n.n]

Events are fun [eggs - badges - double EXP - tripple EXP - rare non-game breaking goodies]
The community is great, the mods are awesome, the dev team is keeping it well oiled and fine tuned.
What else can I say, this place is perfect. [n.n]
Haha yeah I mean there take on it is nice I will give them credit for their hard work tho. I loved the exp x3 to lvl 160 it's tough being weak and slow levels.

So far tho it deff reminds me of DC days it's quite vanilla in a good way. I like the more options in making games and the milestone thing here. Ah Yeah easters coming but I won't be in ultimate to benefit from those drops.
I wouldn't worry about not being in Ultimate, all events here are for all difficulties here! Higher difficulty is just more frequent rewards usually.

In regards to the Easter Event, you just get a weaker drop rate on the event item, but you'll still be able to find it and trade it for goodies. :o
Oh awesome I'm used to vhard or ult only for drops from event.
Is there a link of your guys event items and drops?
What's the main form of loot here pds or pcs?
PDs and PCs are both used as currency, but PDs are more standard, which is most likely what you're used to? I dunno I never played on Ultima

The event items (other than Rappy drops) and event quests will be posted whenever an event's up! :cool:
Yeah pd were standard I seen on here pcs went 1 for 2 pd or the other way around maybe?

So far I sort of like starting over its that hunt for better things to get stronger I missed. So used to being able to solo anything anywhere to struggling in the forest on normal lol. Only thing besides a half decent mag I wish I had tho starting fresh is a smart link lol
@09B0666, you could still get 2x EXP if you played hardcore mode (if that interests you).

Custom items? You mean they hacked the game and made their own unique weapons?

By custom items he means other private servers have weapons/gear etc made by their moderation and are not sega pso originally aka vanilla.
I came from Ultima as well left lvl 200's behind and I'm happy about it. Economy on there was trash. This is by far the best server I've been to. Welcome and if you need any help leveling just hit me up I can run you through some ttfs
Thanks I appreciate it. I'm just about on very hard i primarily solo ep 2 leveling like that. Worst part is no mag.....Yeah I still have my accounts there and alot of time invested but it just got annoying....prices are better here for the most part but wth v101 here is crazy I have 4 over there I'm selling for a pd each lol but for the most part I'm liking it here.

I'll miss the custom items and all my great gear I have their like my wd there is 508 dep here there no where close to that....And there's no pod quest here either that's one I like and some of their max a quests but no regrets moving forward.
Yeah i think v101 on there was like god/battle on here though, cause of the custom/battle unit that was like a teir higher than V101.

But yeah, there is a POD quest on here it just needs to be unlocked by your team, think theres a bunch of max attack quests too. [n.n]
@09B0666, you could still get 2x EXP if you played hardcore mode (if that interests you).

By custom items he means other private servers have weapons/gear etc made by their moderation and are not sega pso originally aka vanilla.
In other words, yes, items made by the users and not by Sega.