Military Strikes Back: Can we remove the kick/quest end when someone leaves/DCs?


Deleted member 193

If there's any real reason for not letting people solo it (switches?) it should be handled in the quest description. Auto-kicking someone because their partner left is super bad (Schthack-tier) design, and this behavior should be removed from the quest.


"YAY I FOUND SJS" *walks over to it* -> *partner gets salty and alt+backspaces* -> "IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLAY ALONE PLAY A NEW HOPE" -> *kick* -> Admin is now needed in order to restore SJS

"k we're only gonna play the seaside part to hunt SJS" -> *partner presses /lobby before the other person is done picking up junk items* -> "IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLAY ALONE PLAY A NEW HOPE" -> *kick*

*both people finish quest and pipe up* -> *partner finishes selling/banking first because they didn't need to use the tekker* -> "I'm just gonna walk up to this shopkeeper and-----" -> "IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PLAY ALONE PLAY A NEW HOPE" -> *kick*

And these examples don't even cover disconnects/crashes/etc... Which are uncontrollable.

This behavior is really dumb and should be removed.