January Update

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I dunno, I assumed citing SEGA as a benchmark would be a pretty strong argument considering it happens in other discussions. I guess it doesn't work for this one because it's not in your favor.
Are there any vanilla purists here besides Ives? I don't consider anyone on BB a purist since vanilla to me is V1/V2. If people can't adapt to small changes then it's on them. On SCHT we adapted to Rainbow, unlocked DFs/MRs/etc, and then went back to locked weapons/no Rainbow when we started PSO again on Ephinea.
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I dunno, I assumed citing SEGA as a benchmark would be a pretty strong argument considering it happens in other discussions. I guess it doesn't work for this one because it's not in your favor.

Citing SEGA in a thread about a bunch of non-vanilla changes doesn't work, no. It has nothing to do with whether it's in my favor or not lmao. Plus like you said - we don't KNOW what SEGA did with the RR rates, and for all we know NOT buffing whitill might be the non-vanilla change.

You can't slowly and slowly move farther away from SEGA (our dropcharts and items have changed a lot the past 2 years), but then cite "muh SEGA" for not buffing whitill RR. Maybe if we were still using the JP episode 4 chart and etc? But not now lol.
You know what? Those are pretty good points, and I'm too tired to try and refute any of them right now. Maybe I won't try later.

Like, all in all this discussion is fairly pointless since Whitill RR likely is never going to have a better rate than the other RR drops again, but that is a rather well-made argument.
You can't slowly and slowly move farther away from SEGA (our dropcharts and items have changed a lot the past 2 years), but then cite "muh SEGA" for not buffing whitill RR. Maybe if we were still using the JP episode 4 chart and etc? But not now lol.

I dunno, we're still way closer to vanilla than the other servers. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. I personally appreciate Ephinea for sticking so close to the classic experience while still being willing to make minor changes for the sake of fun and balance, and also without going near the silly powercreep that is things like Rainbow and Doom Bringers.
Just wait until Easter where we do the yearly "let's ruin the server" event. Eternal Rainbowdrive is going to be great, just trust me.

SJS with [0/0/0/0 | 254] (127 hit twice) from easter eggs. All of a sudden hunter becomes meta in episode 2, and ranger sucks.
Even something that ludicrous wouldn't make Hunters the meta in ep2.
Also, it might be too rare. I think 1/64 was a bit too easy but maybe 1/100 or 1/128 woulda been better? Considering I went 280 Dark Falzes without a RR when the rate was 1/64, there could easily be people who kill him 1500+ times and don't get one. That's pretty brutal.

I agree with this and wonder if the RR drop might be a little too rare now also. I do think 1/64 was too high but I personally believe the new rate is too low. 1/128 or so sounds about right to me...but hey, I've already got a decent RR so I don't have any skin in the game haha.
@Bliz: I love your remark that it doesn't have to be "all or nothing." I enjoy the minor changes made, and I like that the server guards very closely against making something ridiculously OP that wasn't already made that way by Sega.

Thanks to all the folks who work so hard on this server. If the RR drop must stay as it is, then so be it. The other changes are quite excellent.
Whitill losing its boost was not an accident, it was very much intentional.

I don't like it honestly because it just makes people refuse to play quests with Falz on IDs other than Whitill, it's what happened in the past when the boost was minor even.
Even something that ludicrous wouldn't make Hunters the meta in ep2.

I think you underestimate it.

Unreduced hell sword with +289 ATA (HUmar would have 509 ATA with red ring).

It was a VERY ludicrous suggestion.
boss rush hbr?? oh my god LMAO

in all seriousness, it's good to see nice little tweaks to drop rates when they need it! i figured rr would end up nerfed to hell but 1/186 is nothing. happy hunting! 8)
@Matt just wondering if you guys discussed what this change does to "max/near max" stat red rings.

At the 1/64 rate, max stat (or near max, eg: 230-235 dfp) would be priced at 300+ PDs according to this thread: https://www.pioneer2.net/community/threads/red-ring-pricing.4807/

300+ PDs is already "p-wand/SJS tier." With the rate 3x harder now, it's safe to assume that price just jumped to 900+ PDs. Which.... seems kind of ridiculous for a silly shield. Any thoughts on this?

One possible (but not necessarily good) solution is to add a quest similar to the quest that lets you add hit to enemy weapons for PCs. Let people pay PDs (50?) to reroll the stats the same way the server calculates it (completely random, equal chance of any stats), and then choose if they want to keep the new ring or keep their old ring. eg:

NPC (after paying 50 PDs): "I can exchange your red ring for a [DFP:220; EVP:240] red ring. For reference, a max stat red ring is [DFP:235; EVP:257]. I do not know the stats of your current red ring, I hope you checked it before talking to me. Would you like to make the exchange? [NO/YES]"

Another possible solution is to just do nothing and let the price be 900+ PDs (hit SJS/100h charge vulcs tier) for a max DFP red ring, YOLO.

EDIT: I put a strikethrough through my idea because it's probably super dumb. Just leave max stat red ring SUPER SUPER RARE. However, if you do change it (eg: by adding a quest to reroll stats like I mentioned above), do it now and not months/a year from now when we've already adjusted to the fact that max stat rings are impossible-tier. (Also 20 PDs is probably too cheap - should cost 50+ if you really wanna add that shit in as a PD sink)
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Also, it might be too rare. I think 1/64 was a bit too easy but maybe 1/100 or 1/128 woulda been better? Considering I went 280 Dark Falzes without a RR when the rate was 1/64, there could easily be people who kill him 1500+ times and don't get one. That's pretty brutal.
rr's supposed to be uber... like, uber uber

Plus like you said - we don't KNOW what SEGA did with the RR rates, and for all we know NOT buffing whitill might be the non-vanilla change.
you know whitill's already good, right? why does this keep getting brought up? did you only make your main a whitill for 1/32 rr??? <_<
End game shield being 20 pds is a joke anyways. Whatever the price is is for the buyer/seller to decide and probs gonna fluctuate. If you have a problem with the rate, just play more and find one then
you know whitill's already good, right? why does this keep getting brought up? did you only make your main a whitill for 1/32 rr??? <_<


And I instantly /modsecid to blueful when we got our ID changes when the ep4 drop charts changed.

I only remade a whitill (as FOnewm) for GULD. And I don't play him because I'm not hunting GULD atm. And once I find GULD I will probably not play him again.
@Matt Not sure if you read my idea yet, but I put a nice big strikethrough cuz it's dumb, with this edit:

I put a strikethrough through my idea because it's probably super dumb. Just leave max stat red ring SUPER SUPER RARE. However, if you do change it (eg: by adding a quest to reroll stats like I mentioned above), do it now and not months/a year from now when we've already adjusted to the fact that max stat rings are impossible-tier. (Also 20 PDs is probably too cheap - should cost 50+ if you really wanna add that shit in as a PD sink)
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