Game wont start

download was no problem, and I can boot up the launcher just fine. But when I hit "start game" everything shuts down. There's no game load, there's nothing trying to load. It just immediately pops off of my task bar. I've tried going to my security options and white listing it but I cant make anything work.
It's possible you're at a resolution higher than your monitor's native, try reducing the resolution in launcher settings and running in windowed mode to test.
It's possible you're at a resolution higher than your monitor's native, try reducing the resolution in launcher settings and running in windowed mode to test.
I went as low as I could go. and still nothing. I've seriously tried everything. done what every forum told me to do, and downloaded it manually too. I'm at a complete loss.
Are you sure you have psobb.exe in your ephinea folder and your antivirus didn't delete it on install?
No. Just antivirus sometimes deletes the exe on install, and I can't think of another reason for crashing instantly on "Start Game"
A screenshot of the contents of your ephinea folder could help, as well as your options tab and "More" options in the launcher
And if you scroll down in that folder (ephineaPSO) psobb.exe is for sure there?
If so, I'm gonna have to let others weigh in because I'm not sure what could be causing the issue...
Yeah, that's your issue. Try downloading this and unzipping it in your PSO folder


unzips fine for me with 7zip :x
you could also just reinstall the game while your antivirus is disabled, so it can't delete the exe.
Are you trying to open the exe within 7zip/winrar? You want to unzip it into the EphineaPSO folder, not open it.
I have this turned off before the redownload. And i made an exception for the whole folder. Am I doing this right?


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Ya I made a mistake there and just unzipped it into the right folder. My bad haha. I did that, opened the launcher and made sure I had the right resolution, tried to start the game and got the same result.