Game freeze/crash on walking through a door


I've been playing on/off for years without a single hitch until this week. My game freezes upon walking through a door (especially in mines), typically in the first 10-20 minutes of playing. And by freeze I mean the screen freezes, yet I still hear the appropriate game sounds when I use my controller/keyboard. For example, I hear walking when I use a control stick, or the Resta sound if I hit that hotkey. I can even hit start and navigate to Exit Game just based on the sounds so I don't lose anything. After that my only recourse is to open Task Manager and kill the process, so I don't think I'm generating any crash logs.

Any help is appreciated, and if there's any technical info I can grab I'd be happy to supply it.
Did you change your Direct3D Renderer in the launcher options recently? Try 8 or 9, and also disable Antialiasing and AF if you're using them. Some PCs have trouble with Direct3D 11 or 12 which I remember causing this for some players.