Echelon's skins & modifications

All good but what in the world is AFS manager and where do i download it to change my excalibur model to commander blade?
Hey man Thanks so much for all this! I love the modern glass HUD and dont even think I could play without it anymore. I do have a question for you that I could not find the answer to. When I bring up my menu there is a thin Cyan colored line that runs around it. In one of my old SS it wasnt there, but now it is. I would prefer to get rid of it. Do you know if or how I could do this?


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Hey @Derfy, i'm not sure why it was not there on your old screenshot, as far as i know the cyan line is hardcoded in the client and not an actual texture so i couldn't ever get rid of it sadly. Did you used a different resolution at that time? Maybe it got "eaten" by a smaller res but idk.
Hey @Derfy, i'm not sure why it was not there on your old screenshot, as far as i know the cyan line is hardcoded in the client and not an actual texture so i couldn't ever get rid of it sadly. Did you used a different resolution at that time? Maybe it got "eaten" by a smaller res but idk.
Good to know that it bothered you too and you tried to get rid of it lol. i dont know what i did that made it not there in that SS. Well I still prefer your Hud even with it visible. ive even gotten used to it. It wasnt till someone reminded me it was there and bothered them that i started thinking about it. So really i was trying to help some OCD person, like me, use and enjoy your HUD!

Thank you so much man!
I do like these, Used to use em years ago on Eden. But what's up with the shadows? See here-

Ephinea_ Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst 07_04_2023 05_32_03.jpg

Look at em on
Loads of shadowing is missing. Kinda weird. I assumed it was baked in, but really it will be using those same textures all over the place. So maybe there's a shadow map for this area and it's lower res than the new texture, but depends on being the same res as the original texture? Just guessing here.
The shadowing is actually a texture and is in fact not missing here, it's just too transparent for some reason... Guess i f'd up the alpha layer while upscaling and never noticed.
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Hi Thanks for share this, it's what I was looking for.

Can you please tell me wich software did you use to modify the HUD?