
  1. frieza

    A> Vjaya (25/15/0/0/40)

    Reserve: 1 PD Wants: PDs 24 hour countdown+resets Maybe someone out there really wants one?? I'm too poor for a Vjaya....
  2. T

    Small Calibur Shop

    Calibur [Hell] [0/0/0/0/50] - 1 Calibur [Spirit] [50/50/0/0/50] - 20 [Sold] Calibur [Demon] [50/50/0/0/50] - 20 [Sold] Calibur [Tempest] [0/0/50/50/50] - 20 [Sold] Calibur [Spirit] [50/0/50/0/50] - 16 Prices can be negociated

    Add Hit% to BARANZ or add % to Charge Arms?

    I have a Charge Arms with 50% hit and a 0/0/0/0/0 BARANZ LAUNCHER. I've been doing Episode IV Government missions with the intention of adding hit to my BARANZ then adding Native, and Dark, but I've also been considering using my Photon Crystals to add % to the Charge Arms instead. The Charge...
  4. Lotus Eater

    A>65h Rage de Feu [CLOSED]

    Want a real fancy mantlepiece in the form of a silly ass squirtgun that shoots fire? Wanna SSS falz and you're sick of trying to find other invul pierce weapons with decent hit? Then damn boi do I have the inventory filler for you (Burning special, 0/0/0/0/65) Minimum Bid: 5pd *Winner: Spuz...
  5. .Kuja

    PC> X/X/0/0|50 Flowen's 3084, 0/0/0/0|20 Excalibur

    PC> X/X/0/0|50 Flowen's 3084 0/0/0/0|20 Excalibur I'd like to have an idea of the value of a Flowen's like that at the moment, in the unlikely case i can buy/bid for one. The exca (yet unsealed) is mine. Ty
  6. Spuz

    PDA> NUG2000 BAZOOKA [0/0/0/0/35]

    Reserve: 50pd Buyout: 150pd 24hr Countdown.
  7. DiZzy

    [FINISHED]A>85h Calibur

    Hi Hell DANK Calibur [0/0/0/0|85] Reserve: 250pd Countdown: 72hours once reserve is met Wants: PD PS=99pd
  8. Dab

    S> Hit DLS, Zanba & more

    Looking for PDs or Silver/Gold Badges. You'll save if you pay with Golds! Daylight Scar [0/15/0/0|25] -- 25 PD / 12 Gold (Reserved) Girasole [0/25/0/25|20] -- 7 PD / 3 Gold Holy Ray [0/0/15/30|20] -- 5 PD / 2 Gold Zanba +38 [0/0/0/0|25] -- 15 PD / 7 Gold (Reserved)
  9. Yissss


  10. Avenger

    AVG PD-Shop

    Hi there fellows, Im selling some stuff that I dont need since I'm saving my pd´to improve my equips Special weps: Hunter: Durandal (1pd) Dragon Slayer (30%hit) (1pd) Bloody art (10%hit) (1pd) Diska of braveman ( 5%/5%/10%0%/0%) (1pd) Demolition comet (1pd) Musashi +25 (1pd) Yamato (1pd)...
  11. Henonk

    PC>Some stuffs

    Hi, Things i got in stock & i'm looking to sell, as i'm pretty new here i dunnot know the prices : Rianov 303SNR-5 00/15/00/00:40 Chaos Vulcan 25/15/00/00:40 Hell Vulcan 00/00/00/00:45 Arrest Vulcan 00/00/40/25:40 Flame Visit 00/25/00/20:20...
  12. NDW

    How to Convert Enemy Parts to Weapons and Add Hit

    Enemy Parts Into Weapons Guide Follow these steps to turn your enemy parts into weapons. In One Person Mode you have to end some quests. In priority those with Elenor (a pink RAcaseal). We can find her in "magnitude of metal", "secret delivery", and "Doc's secret plan". These quests are...