Zero's Magical Emporium + S Ranks (11th Dec 17)

Added some s-ranks, some techs, some mats, photon booster
I'd like to buy one of your v101. Let me know whatever time is good for you to make the trade!
I'm also interested in a V101 at 15 PD. if it's still available, I'll be around for the next few hours and again tomorrow.
Do you still have the Heart of YN-0117 (Elenor mag cell) for 6 PDs? Thanks!
ill take crimson coat, and are you sure those stat stink frams will make max stat? i hear you need way more def close to 90
ill take crimson coat, and are you sure those stat stink frams will make max stat? i hear you need way more def close to 90
Sorry for late reply, been on Pso2. Can get u crimson coat np

Yeah sorry u are right, u need above 90 def and 35 evp to make max stat lafuteria.

The way i've listed the armors is not including the base stats of the armor itself. So what i have listed as +62 def is actually over 100 dfp and +37 evp is over 50 on the actual armor
Do you still have all those mag cells? I would like 4 of them. the heaven striker coat, Kit of Master System, Heart of Angel, and Heart of Morolian