Xbox vet back in the trenches


Good morning everyone!

I'm a returning vet player from the Xbox Live days, and figured I'd introduce myself. Currently playing a RAcast named NeonSauce, also have a HUmar named Ember and eventually a Force named SoySauce. Always looking for people to play with, and as long as there are XP and drops, I'm not too picky about what we do. I'll post my guildcard at some point when I get home tonight, if anyone wants to play - Feel free to hit me up.


EDIT: Guild card is 42090083 :)
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Good morning everyone!

I'm a returning vet player from the Xbox Live days, and figured I'd introduce myself. Currently playing a RAcast named NeonSauce, also have a HUmar named Ember and eventually a Force named SoySauce. Always looking for people to play with, and as long as there are XP and drops, I'm not too picky about what we do. I'll post my guildcard at some point when I get home tonight, if anyone wants to play - Feel free to hit me up.

OOooooooo~! Mew has seen you out in lobby quite a bit! And you have answered a curiosity she had wondering if she should POUNCE you or not, thinking you were a loved one named Kipsauce! Soooo, since you're YOU and not Kippies....mew owes you a POUNCE~! =3! Aaaaand when you do get around to creating your soft and Squishy FOrce, mew will be more than happy to halp get Soysauce up and running! Welcome HOME Old Guard XBOXer~! =3!
OOooooooo~! Mew has seen you out in lobby quite a bit! And you have answered a curiosity she had wondering if she should POUNCE you or not, thinking you were a loved one named Kipsauce! Soooo, since you're YOU and not Kippies....mew owes you a POUNCE~! =3! Aaaaand when you do get around to creating your soft and Squishy FOrce, mew will be more than happy to halp get Soysauce up and running! Welcome HOME Old Guard XBOXer~! =3!

Tis good to be back. Yep, just another saucy character string lol. I believe I played with you the other night. As always, I really appreciate the carry. Falz can be quite dubious at times. And yeah, that would be awesome - sometimes disks can be a real pain to get. I probably won't make her until I get my lv200 Mind mag going. Thankfully feeding is pretty quick. I'll keep you posted.
Tis good to be back. Yep, just another saucy character string lol. I believe I played with you the other night. As always, I really appreciate the carry. Falz can be quite dubious at times. And yeah, that would be awesome - sometimes disks can be a real pain to get. I probably won't make her until I get my lv200 Mind mag going. Thankfully feeding is pretty quick. I'll keep you posted.
MIND mags cost us MOAR than Monies....they cost us our SANITY!!! There IS no "quick" MIND mag build, luv! lol. And just so you know, you can be level 1 or so and has a full 195 MIND mag and still wont be able to learn a few techs over level 3 or more because your CORE MST in your body cant house the amount of juju needed to cast techs ONE time...anyway...looking forward to halp sponsor your FO build~! <3!
MIND mags cost us MOAR than Monies....they cost us our SANITY!!! There IS no "quick" MIND mag build, luv! lol. And just so you know, you can be level 1 or so and has a full 195 MIND mag and still wont be able to learn a few techs over level 3 or more because your CORE MST in your body cant house the amount of juju needed to cast techs ONE time...anyway...looking forward to halp sponsor your FO build~! <3!
Fair. And yeah the monofluid life takes forever... I'm just now remembering that whilst building one haha