What are your biggest PSO pet peeves?


What're the things that agitate you the most? For me, it'd be:

- Finding a rare from a strong enemy (Nano Dragon, Astark, Gran Sorcerer, etc etc) and it's a Photon Drop. Although this usually doesn't agitate me because I expect it anyway lol. What's actually worse is finding a Photon Drop from the enemy you've been hunting for a specific rare from, and it's usually an enemy that there's a shit-ton of.

- Aiming to finish an MA4 quest (or Respective Tomorrow) and a bunch of low-level characters join. Or when three/four Forces join a single room.

- Finding a rare monster and getting nothing from it, but everyone else in the party did (only really annoying if it's a good item).

- Trying to give the party S/D and there's always that one person that runs out of range. =P Not nearly as much of a problem since I have a Striker of Chao now though.
Sheepdogs who join Ult at lvl80, thinking they can handle Max Attack 4th C stage.

ohai, yeah, eager to get in on the fun.

everyone telling me i should use mechguns because my main is a ramar
dafuq is zerking?

Getting unneccsarily close to an enemy and/or getting too far from the parties force would be my guess
Noobs who join Ult at lvl80, thinking they can handle Max Attack 4th C stage.

Like me?

Ill Gill killing my HUCT when i played solo on the gc, Watching olga flow kill my level 100+ HUCT on normal.
mew has a signature phrase for ppl who Zerk themselves then get breathed on and die!..... XD! *Overzealous warrior zerks themselves to a dismal end* mew: "What did we LEEEEEEEARN?" X3!
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When people wont let me use my TP stealing weapon to regain TP. I'm a FOmar LET ME SHOOT A FEW BULLETS AT IT BEFORE YOU KILL IT that TP can help me heal you later >= Fluids are expensive
AMEN! lol All it takes for mew to see whats going on is seeing those pretty blue +TP #'s the first time and she immediately curbs the offensive crap and shadows the TP harvester in case theres no Hit% on what they're using i.e Vivies or double saber. Mech guns, or pistol users...yeeeeeah, You're getting a Shadow too! =P =3
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oh look no open games / oh look ma4 try hard game that won't take my feebleness
I also hate it when there's no open games despite 60+ people being online; that or people are playing Normal/Hard/VH and nothing else for no discernible reason.

Or even worse, they idle in the lobby all day long or chat for three hours.
Yeahhh, let's not. There's a point where it becomes "just teasing" to clearly trying to provoke a reaction out of someone.

Do it again and I'll be giving you a warning, you know who you are. (the sentiment as a whole obviously applies to other people too!)

Anyway, carry on! I'd say my biggest PSO pet peeve is picking up items when I'm trying to trap shoot... (normal on 1-0 is disgusting because then I can't just flip palette to run, sniff)