The importance of market makers in an economy.


I've seen a certain player who is known as a frequent trader coming under a lot of fire lately, specifically for spending more time trading than actually playing the game.

To start, I think we all agree that we're not supposed to tell others how to play the game. Yes, I've done it before. Yes, many of you have done it before. But it's not right.

Anyway, to explain my topic title, a "market maker," in a broad sense, is someone who stands ready to buy and sell securities (like stocks and bonds) at specific prices at all times. In our small economy, the person I'm referring to above could be seen as a "market maker" of sorts; standing ready to buy and sell various goods at frequent intervals. This increases overall liquidity of goods, which is good for the game's economy. People are able to more easily buy and sell things, which helps them achieve their goals faster.

The fact that this person likes to drive a hard bargain at times to increase profit is a simple matter of business. (Yes, a true market maker uses set prices, but this is not a perfect analogy.) Nobody is forcing anyone to trade, and each player has a responsibility for due diligence to research past transactions to learn the true value of various items.

I, for one, am thankful this person is around. To quote a wise friend of mine, "he provides a valuable service for this community," and we should not criticize how he chooses to enjoy the game.
Trading is playing the game. People need to chill the fuck out.

Before runescape had a "grand exchange" you could literally just sit there buying low and selling high and that would be how you played the game.
I don't see the issue. Basically, people who do trades for business are doing a good job if people are getting salty/sour. And those people should go get better stuff to trade and stop being salty, because that won't get them the itemzz.
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In all seriousness it's a balance, and when economies crash it's because of an imbalance.
Doesn't effect me either way, because I hunt everything I want generally. Trading is just part of the game and community. I gotta admit though, watching trading from the outside I do hate seeing people trading with their friends to artificially raise prices on certain items. I haven't really seen it here, thankfully (mostly because dupes/hacking arent a thing) and hopefully wont ever. But it was huge in scht in my times off and on playing. I'd hate to see that kinda crap take off again. Like rarity and obscurity should raise a items worth but "paying" your friend 300pds publicly for a item just to manipulate public perception on its worth is just dirty.

I digress though, some people just trade their way into the game, it's how they play.
What? Is this really an issue? Who the hell cares how somebody plays a game or trades.
Just play your game the way you play, if you dont like the deal he gives then find another person, theres like a hundred threads.
I think I know who this thread is refering too and I've never had a problem with the guy, who ever does should talk to said person about it.
[if somebody wants to charge a premium on an item they had a hard time acquiring, weather or not they traded or hunted it is irrelevant, YOU PAY HIS/HER DAMN PRICE]
Anyway, theres my piece on this. [n.n]
One great thing on this server is we know there's 0 dupes or hacks. This server immediately boots anyone who is detected duplicating an item, even if it's done by accident, and the incident is logged. This is a golden-age of commerce in PSO compared to previous servers.
This server immediately boots anyone who is detected duplicating an item, even if it's done by accident, and the incident is logged.

If that's really the case it's a very good thing! If there's one thing i hate it's the multiplayer cheat...
Doesn't effect me either way, because I hunt everything I want generally. Trading is just part of the game and community. I gotta admit though, watching trading from the outside I do hate seeing people trading with their friends to artificially raise prices on certain items. I haven't really seen it here, thankfully (mostly because dupes/hacking arent a thing) and hopefully wont ever. But it was huge in scht in my times off and on playing. I'd hate to see that kinda crap take off again. Like rarity and obscurity should raise a items worth but "paying" your friend 300pds publicly for a item just to manipulate public perception on its worth is just dirty.

I digress though, some people just trade their way into the game, it's how they play.

Whoever charges their friends more for an item to try and raise the price, is a dick.
Thats why I said """paying""" lol, they know who they are, though I dont think they play here. And like Ade said, thats one more reason I like it here. Those people get the boot up their ass when they try, and I'm sure there's been at least a few.
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Funny that you make this thread. I remember you trying to lowball me on the Psycho Wand and then making a fool out of yourself by throwing a temper tantrum in Lobby 1. All over me not checking the forum for a couple of days and me having the price high. You found a different seller who ended up quitting after he sold his Pwand for cheap, so that's good. Buying low and selling high is simply smart business and throwing a fit over video game items is unnecessary. I'm glad you changed your position on this and finally saw the light.

I've seen a certain player who is known as a frequent trader coming under a lot of fire lately, specifically for spending more time trading than actually playing the game.

To start, I think we all agree that we're not supposed to tell others how to play the game. Yes, I've done it before. Yes, many of you have done it before. But it's not right.

Anyway, to explain my topic title, a "market maker," in a broad sense, is someone who stands ready to buy and sell securities (like stocks and bonds) at specific prices at all times. In our small economy, the person I'm referring to above could be seen as a "market maker" of sorts; standing ready to buy and sell various goods at frequent intervals. This increases overall liquidity of goods, which is good for the game's economy. People are able to more easily buy and sell things, which helps them achieve their goals faster.

The fact that this person likes to drive a hard bargain at times to increase profit is a simple matter of business. (Yes, a true market maker uses set prices, but this is not a perfect analogy.) Nobody is forcing anyone to trade, and each player has a responsibility for due diligence to research past transactions to learn the true value of various items.

I, for one, am thankful this person is around. To quote a wise friend of mine, "he provides a valuable service for this community," and we should not criticize how he chooses to enjoy the game.
It was good to see some positive discussion come out of this. Thanks to those who read this and were reasonable about it :)
When I was on schthack I played the market a lot and was pretty much a "market maker" as well. It was how I pretty much got my 1st pwand there actually and anything in general as well. Cause with a few exceptions (5 gi amps, 3 MSI). Don't do it much here because that banner flying off messes with my head though.
Business is business.