Summer event has started...

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Staff member
With the completed maintenance, the following things were changed:

- Adjusted freeze activation rate slightly.
- Possibly fixed (?) the rare drop sound from sounding when meseta or other things drop sometimes.
- Modified Purplenum Smartlink drop.

See the following thread for details:

Check progress of milestones at:

- Hunter's Boost road was changed to encompass all 9 of the Maximum Attack 4 quests. This HBR will last 2 months.

Sodaboy, for programming, cleaning up the event and being generally awesome.
anime, for being the grand-master of communication and barking orders.
Kanashimi, for making the event shop and writing dialogue.
XII, for managing concept planning and writing dialogue.
Matt, for concept planning and playing Terraria.
emoticon, for concept planning and buying Terraria for Matt.
Toaster Mage, for concept planning and funposting.
Agastya, for concept planning and funposting.
Spuz, for concept planning and unfunposting.
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"Item rewards with a kill gate require a character to have personally contributed at least that amount of kills to the total kill count for the event."

1) So is it per character, or per account?

2) I don't see any "character kill gates," only server-wide milestones.
Character. You'll see the kill requirement when the milestone reward for that milestone is reached.

You can still bum rush a character to that gate after the milestone is hit as long as it's before September 24th.

Ex: If a milestone is unlocked at 100,000 and requires a 500 kill gate. Any characters that have racked up 500 kills in the event before September 24th will get that item prize.
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Character. You'll see the kill requirement when the milestone reward for that milestone is reached.

So if I play multiple characters on 1 account, I will get multiple items on 1 account?
SEGA numbers were: 0.4, 0.2, 0.2, first adjustment was 0.6, 0.6, 0.6 New adjustment is 0.6, 0.4, 0.4

The first number is Normal-Very Hard activation rate. The second two are both related to Ultimate mode.
Well at least the freezing rate is still better than it originally so its still doable for monsters that can't be paralyzed.
Silver Badge shop guy said I still didn't have enough for Gold even though I had 10 in my inventory. Not sure if this is a problem with the quest but thought i'd let ya knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Silver Badge shop guy said I still didn't have enough for Gold even though I had 10 in my inventory. Not sure if this is a problem with the quest but thought i'd let ya knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
I looked at the quest. Looks like there was a typo in the amount to check for. It's checking for 0x10 and not 10 (0x0A). I'll fix it.
Oh yeah dude im batshit crazy. Imma be a physicist someday and and use my noble prize profits for an indoor pool and bitches with hips that just dont quit.
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