Sound.dll crash?

I was doing the Fake in Yellow quest using a lvl 5 Fomarl casting barta and picked up an addslot.
When I cast barta again on one line of downed Rappy as they were standing up, Game crashed via sound.dll.
I think it was because of multiple items dropping at once? or was it something else?
I am gonna see if I can reproduce the crash.
Probably dsound.dll since PSO uses DirectSound. Not much we can do to help ya there, though.
Nah, it's okay, I just wanted to let people know. I was able to get it to crash again yesterday though, same dsound.dll crash in a different environment. But from the same idea of multiple different rarity items dropping. I think. Cause I saw a blue, a green and a red item drop flash for less than half a second before it crashed.
Well, we no longer use any custom audio code for the game, so very weird. Though, I've seen weird stuff happen when people have Data Execution Protection turned on in their OS. For example, some people would crash when firing certain weapons. You could check to see if you've got DEP on and if so, try turning it off and see if that helps.