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the based god
Hey guys im a lv 110 hucast named lil b, skyly ID. I would love to join an active team, i have some pretty decent equips and have plenty of high hit weapons.

Hope to play with you guys! (also forgive me if i do something scrubby just please tell me what to do next time)
Hey guys im a lv 110 hucast named lil b, skyly ID. I would love to join an active team, i have some pretty decent equips and have plenty of high hit weapons.

Hope to play with you guys! (also forgive me if i do something scrubby just please tell me what to do next time)
No Biggies Boss bot! If NDW-Taichou doesn't get a hold of you first.... mew mew'll give u the once over and most likely assimewlate u into the family =3 Welcome Home! <3
Hey hey lil b :)