Server maintenance has been completed for May 20th, 2024 (サーバメンテナンス完了 5/20)


Staff member
Server maintenance has been completed.

The game has been updated to v1.610 and the following games were made to the game:

- The Tekker now properly uses the visible Tekker's item favor tables instead of your own. This is usually the based on the leader's section ID, but if you're still on Pioneer 2 when the leader changes, the Tekker will not change until you go back down to Ragol and up again.
- Handguns and Rods are no longer favored by the Yellowboze Tekker. (Woops!)
- Fix a possible quest loading crash.
- Fix client/server decryption failing when amount of data exceeds 32k in a single server send.
- The item announcement table has been changed.
- A bug with the visual on the Flowen's Sword skin has been squashed.
- The visual effect for cloaked traps without advanced effect has been adjusted.
- Added support for files named as "File_N.prs" in the data\ephinea\default and data\ephinea\custom folders. The reason for this is because Discord will replace spaces in file names with an underscore. Both "File 5.prs" and "File_5.prs" can be used, and the game will use the latter if both are present.
- Disabled idle auto disconnect.
- Added the ability to control the camera with the right analog stick. You can enable this with the latest version of online.exe which will be downloaded from the IN-GAME PATCH SERVER.
- Phong shading option has been removed from online.exe (It didn't do anything as it only works with a very specific software emulated 3D graphics adapter with dgVoodoo.)
- ALT+ENTER option has been removed from online.exe (It is now just permanently enabled when using dgVoodoo.)

Thank you for playing on Ephinea!

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄


- 鑑定士が、自分自身のIDの得意テーブルではなく表示されている鑑定士のテーブルを正しく使用するようになりました。これは通常は部屋のリーダーのIDに基づくものですが、リーダー変更時にそのままパイオニア2に居た場合は、一度ラグオルに降りてまた戻るまでは切り替わりません。
- ハンドガン系とロッド系武器はYellowbozeの鑑定士の得意武器ではなくなりました。
- クエストロード時にクラッシュする可能性のある不具合を修正しました。
- 1度のサーバ送信でデータ量が32kを超えた場合、データの複合に失敗する不具合を修正しました。
- アイテムドロップ時のバナー表示のテーブルを一部変更しました。
- フロウウェンの大剣スキンに関する表示の不具合を修正しました。
- Advanced effectを無効にしている際の透明トラップの表示効果を調整しました。
- "data\ephinea\default"および"data\ephinea\custom"配下について、"File_N.prs"というファイル名をサポートするようになりました。これはDiscordがファイル名のスペースをアンダースコアに置き換えてしまうためです。"File 5.prs"および"File_5.prs"はどちらも使用可能ですが、両方が存在する場合はゲームは後者を読み込みます。
- ゲーム放置時の自動切断を無効にしました。
- 右アナログスティックでカメラを操作する機能を追加しました。これはゲーム内のパッチサーバからDLされる、online.exeの最新バージョンから設定可能です。
- online.exeからフォンシェーディングが削除されました。(この設定はdgVoodooでエミュレートされた非常に特殊な3Dグラフィックアダプタという条件の下でのみ動作するという非常に限定的なものでした)
- Alt+Enterのオプションがonline.exeから削除されました。(dgVoodoo利用時には自動で恒久的にオンになります)

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OMFG LIKE YOU CAN ROTATE THE CAMERA AROUND THE CHARACTER!?!? If this is what you mean then my mind is officially completely blown out of the water!!!!
OMFG LIKE YOU CAN ROTATE THE CAMERA AROUND THE CHARACTER!?!? If this is what you mean then my mind is officially completely blown out of the water!!!!
Yes, it rotates the camera around the player on XZ plane. The sensitivity is the number of degrees to turn in a frame, meaning a sensitivity of 12 would be a full revolution in 1 second.

It is kind of an experimental feature, so feel free to let us know what you think about it. I did notice that at higher sensitivities, PSO can still snap the camera which I'll probably look into this week.
is there a list of the banner drop changes?
  • 20 Hit
    • Galatine (new)
  • 30 Hit
    • Rambling May (up from 20h)
    • Frozen Shooter (up from 20h)
    • Vivienne (up from 20h)
    • Cannon Rouge (up from 20h)
    • Daylight Scar (up from 20h)
  • 40 Hit
    • Asteron Belt (new)
    • Spread Needle (up from 20h)
    • Holy Ray (new)
    • L&K38 Combat (up from 20h)
    • Monkey King Bar (down from 50h)
    • Girasole (new)
    • Twin Blaze (new)
    • Yasminkov 9000M (up from 20h)
    • Zanba (up from 20h)
    • Slicer of Fanatic (up from 20h)
    • Ophelie Seize (up from 20h)
    • Guren (up from 20h)
    • Shouren (up from 20h)
    • Yunchang (down from 50h)
  • 50 Hit
    • Panzer Faust (new)
    • Yasminkov 7000V (new)
    • Guardianna (up from 20h)
    • Demolition Comet (new)
    • Clio (new)
    • Tyrell's Parasol (new)
  • 90 Hit
    • ANY RARE!!! (new)
Yes, it rotates the camera around the player on XZ plane. The sensitivity is the number of degrees to turn in a frame, meaning a sensitivity of 12 would be a full revolution in 1 second.

It is kind of an experimental feature, so feel free to let us know what you think about it. I did notice that at higher sensitivities, PSO can still snap the camera which I'll probably look into this week.
i only played around with it for a minute, but i noticed that there's some drift (delay) after you release the stick from a turn. would it be possible to reduce/remove it?
i only played around with it for a minute, but i noticed that there's some drift (delay) after you release the stick from a turn. would it be possible to reduce/remove it?
Yeah, this is probably because the way I implemented this was to change the angle and allow the game to recalculate the camera source. It does this over frames. I'll probably look at just immediately updating the camera source point which should fix that and also the snappiness at higher sensitivity.

EDIT: I think I have this already done. Will polish it over the next day or two.
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The ability to move the camera with the Right Analogic Stick is really cool.
Reminds me old good days of the Dreamcast ^w^.
Thanks for all is done on this server !
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I must have been one of a rare few phong shader enjoyers, the difference was subtle, but I liked that it wasn't OTT. RIP phong.
The rest of this sounds cool and interesting.
Frame generation + HD textures and now camera controller support really make this feel like a new game again!
I must know where this stuff can be found, I see nothing referencing it in the launcher. And I worked too much on my HD texture stuff and need a break from staring at it. <.< The frame gen in particular I'm curious about because I'd like to see more that 30 locked.
Pretty sweet updates. Glad to see features are still being added to this ancient game. Frame generation + HD textures and now camera controller support really make this feel like a new game again!

Agreed. I really hope Sega doesn't try to do a remaster of BB because it will not be as good as Ephinea PSOBB. It would just split the community.
Damn… between this and the DMC update the game has basically become THE definitive way to play PSOBB (and PSO in general in my humble opinion). Seriously lol. Anyone on shithack, ultima, destiny are terribly missing out now lol. I wonder if any of the original devs of PSO play/follow the development here. If not it could be interesting for the original devs to see how far this fan project has come in the 25~ years since it’s release.

I forget the exact numbers but I think the game had around a 70 million dollar budget (don’t quote me and I had a hard time finding any information at all about this, perhaps SEGA is embarrassed they spent so much to not scare away future investors, after all; they had to sell like 15 softwares per DC to even turn a profit on DC sales). Adjusted for inflation that’s 133 million in todays dollars making this (possibly) the first AAA title to ever be released.

judging from the original trailer
The game was very ambitious in its planned content. At one point flashing “Property” on the screen. And showing a city area with skyscrapers which was eventually cut. Funnily enough “Let’s go to the city. >Everyone”. Is still a quick chat however.

Now I’m not saying to add player housing and idk what that would even do for the game (nothing). But I’m just imagining what COULD have been. As far as QoL in the Ephinean flavour we’ve checked so many boxes so far…

>Harder difficulty and balancing of broken gameplay mechanics such as demons/hell/freeze traps (Anguish)
>DMC fixed
>Second action pallet
>Now camera controlled with right analog
>Many more fixes along the way…

The game is approaching “perfection”. Honestly I can hardly theorize about what could be added to make it better than here, a lot of people wish for 60 fps (frankly impossible and does not constitute the work involved to make it work). I suppose something like an Auction House could make it more MMO-y and count as being a QoL update.

Personally something like a Seasons #2 would be great. Now that donations and patrons are allowed I think most of us would not mind paying a small subscription fee for more Seasons content considering the time and effort for the devs to be compensated for said work. Only time can tell from here but it has really been one incredible update after another. People would play no matter what and the devs are in no way pushed to retain players for the seeking of financial compensation, you guys did not have to update the game at all, really. We are very very appreciative and I and everyone else look forward to playing and enjoying Ephinea. Me personally this is the only video game I have played for nearly 10 years now and it’s going to stay that way!
Yes, it rotates the camera around the player on XZ plane. The sensitivity is the number of degrees to turn in a frame, meaning a sensitivity of 12 would be a full revolution in 1 second.

It is kind of an experimental feature, so feel free to let us know what you think about it. I did notice that at higher sensitivities, PSO can still snap the camera which I'll probably look into this week.
You, Soda and the others who tirelessly improve PSO are eternal icons on platinum pedestals in my mind. I never EVER thought we would see this feature! I believed it was hardcoded out so far that one would have to rewrite an entire pillar of the game mechanics to achieve it!

Thank you so, so, so much!!!!!!
Damn… between this and the DMC update the game has basically become THE definitive way to play PSOBB (and PSO in general in my humble opinion). Seriously lol. Anyone on shithack, ultima, destiny are terribly missing out now lol. I wonder if any of the original devs of PSO play/follow the development here. If not it could be interesting for the original devs to see how far this fan project has come in the 25~ years since it’s release.

I forget the exact numbers but I think the game had around a 70 million dollar budget (don’t quote me and I had a hard time finding any information at all about this, perhaps SEGA is embarrassed they spent so much to not scare away future investors, after all; they had to sell like 15 softwares per DC to even turn a profit on DC sales). Adjusted for inflation that’s 133 million in todays dollars making this (possibly) the first AAA title to ever be released.

judging from the original trailer
The game was very ambitious in its planned content. At one point flashing “Property” on the screen. And showing a city area with skyscrapers which was eventually cut. Funnily enough “Let’s go to the city. >Everyone”. Is still a quick chat however.

Now I’m not saying to add player housing and idk what that would even do for the game (nothing). But I’m just imagining what COULD have been. As far as QoL in the Ephinean flavour we’ve checked so many boxes so far…

>Harder difficulty and balancing of broken gameplay mechanics such as demons/hell/freeze traps (Anguish)
>DMC fixed
>Second action pallet
>Now camera controlled with right analog
>Many more fixes along the way…

The game is approaching “perfection”. Honestly I can hardly theorize about what could be added to make it better than here, a lot of people wish for 60 fps (frankly impossible and does not constitute the work involved to make it work). I suppose something like an Auction House could make it more MMO-y and count as being a QoL update.

Personally something like a Seasons #2 would be great. Now that donations and patrons are allowed I think most of us would not mind paying a small subscription fee for more Seasons content considering the time and effort for the devs to be compensated for said work. Only time can tell from here but it has really been one incredible update after another. People would play no matter what and the devs are in no way pushed to retain players for the seeking of financial compensation, you guys did not have to update the game at all, really. We are very very appreciative and I and everyone else look forward to playing and enjoying Ephinea. Me personally this is the only video game I have played for nearly 10 years now and it’s going to stay that way!
I agree with everything except the subscription fee idea. Not only would that be going against the core spirit of what's made Ephinea so exceptionally great, but it would be potentially asking for a lawsuit that could destroy everything. Let's not forget that this game is still owned by Sega, and even though it was stollen, they continue to look the other way as long as it's not turned into a business.
I agree with everything except the subscription fee idea. Not only would that be going against the core spirit of what's made Ephinea so exceptionally great, but it would be potentially asking for a lawsuit that could destroy everything. Let's not forget that this game is still owned by Sega, and even though it was stollen, they continue to look the other way as long as it's not turned into a business.
Yeah I’m not sure of the legal ramifications… I only suggested that because the answer as to why there was never a seasons 2 was “It was too much work” so of course now that they accept donations I put 2+2 together to the idea that they could be incentivized to provide content like that. It wouldn’t even need to be a subscription perse… they could even just set a donation goal like “if we reach X dollars this year we can provide a season this year”… etc

You’re right a lot of people have a bad taste with the idea of MTX in PSO. This is because people spent so much on shithack just to have it all be lost, lol. Personally I think it’s great they atleast are accepting donations now because it may help to benefit the time that can be put into the content as well as keep the games server up and running for many more years to come without operating in the red!

Overall though the main message of my text was just theorizing of what could come in the next ten years from here, having come so far since this server has started… one can only imagine what would come next!!