- Guildcard
- 42017744
Server maintenance has completed and the 9th Anniversary Event is now live!
Today's update contained many changes to the game and the server. New items were added to the game. If your launcher is set to CUSTOM in the top right, your unitxt file will not be automatically updated and the names of items will be wrong in your game. You can resolve this by updating your unitxt file manually or by setting your launcher to English or Japanese in the top right.
Fixed the map collision checks for the analog camera. This should prevent the camera from easily going out of bounds.
Fixed the right analog stick's up and down inputs not working for the new lobby warp list.
Implemented full support for omnispawns in the client and server. These changes enable monsters in nearly any area and cross-episode quests. Note that parts of these changes are always active. Let us know if you observe any broken enemy behavior, attacks, or missing particles. Many thanks to Esc and the Blue Burst Patch Project for parts of the client patches dealing with the battle params.
Added six new weapon hearts.
Implemented Divine Filter (030E60) and Lock-on Filter (030E61). These are filters for Heaven Punisher, Mille Marteaux, and their skins, that enable the weapon to always have a set special attack, regardless of beat time. These filters will be added to the Forge soon.
Today's update also contained a drop chart update. The new weapon hearts were added to the drop charts and we rebalanced a few drops. The changes are listed below.
This was a big update. Let us know if you encounter any issues.
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
クライアント側とサーバ側にオムニスポーンのフル機能を実装しました。この変更により、ほぼすべてのエリアでエピソードを跨いだエネミーを出現させられるようになります。敵の挙動や攻撃、パーティクルの欠落など、何らかの不具合があればお知らせください。これらの機能の実装に関して、EscさんとBlue Burst Patch Projectに多大なる感謝を申し上げます。
Today's update contained many changes to the game and the server. New items were added to the game. If your launcher is set to CUSTOM in the top right, your unitxt file will not be automatically updated and the names of items will be wrong in your game. You can resolve this by updating your unitxt file manually or by setting your launcher to English or Japanese in the top right.
Fixed the map collision checks for the analog camera. This should prevent the camera from easily going out of bounds.
Fixed the right analog stick's up and down inputs not working for the new lobby warp list.
Implemented full support for omnispawns in the client and server. These changes enable monsters in nearly any area and cross-episode quests. Note that parts of these changes are always active. Let us know if you observe any broken enemy behavior, attacks, or missing particles. Many thanks to Esc and the Blue Burst Patch Project for parts of the client patches dealing with the battle params.
Added six new weapon hearts.
- Heart of TypeDS/D.Saber (030E5B) and Heart of Partisan of Lightning (030E62)
- Can be used on Vivienne.
- The TypeDS/D.Saber skin can be recolored with Photon Filters.
- Heart of Partisan of Lightning (030E62) - Can be applied to Vivienne.
- Heart of TypeSS/Swords (030E5C)
- Can be used on any of Musashi, Asuka, Sange & Yasha, and Jizai.
- These weapons can be recolored with Photon FIlters.
- Heart of Blade Dance (030E5D), Heart of Wok of Akiko's Shop (030E5E), and Heart of Twin Chakram (030E5F)
- Can be used on Daylight Scar.
- The Twin Chakram skin can be recolored with Photon Filters.
Implemented Divine Filter (030E60) and Lock-on Filter (030E61). These are filters for Heaven Punisher, Mille Marteaux, and their skins, that enable the weapon to always have a set special attack, regardless of beat time. These filters will be added to the Forge soon.
Today's update also contained a drop chart update. The new weapon hearts were added to the drop charts and we rebalanced a few drops. The changes are listed below.
- Viridia - Crimson Assassin (E1) - Shouren -> V101 (1/2291)
- Viridia - Sinow Blue - V101 -> Cure/Confuse (1/853)
- Greenill - Sinow Blue - V101 -> Kasami Bracer (1/853)
- Skyly - Dorphon - Lame d'Argent -> Electro Frame (1/1,024)
- Skyly - Dorphon Eclair - Blue Odoshi Violet Nimaidou -> Liberta Kit (1/4)
- Skyly - Goran Detonator - Liberta Kit -> Lame d'Argent (1/1,462)
- Bluefull - Pouilly Slime (Very Hard) - HP/Revival -> Heart of Wok of Akiko's Shop (1/9.85)
- Bluefull - Gol Dragon (Very Hard) - Guilty Light -> Heart of Blade Dance (1/64)
- Redria - Gulgus-gue (E1) - God/Mind -> Heart of Twin Chakram (1/14564)
- Oran - Melqueek - HP/Revival -> Heart of TypeSS/Swords (1/13653)
- Oran - Dark Gunner - Morning Glory -> Heart of Partisan of Lightning (1/6068)
- Yellowboze - Sinow Blue - Lame d'Argent -> Maser Beam (1/2731)
- Yellowboze - Sinow Red - S-red's Arms -> Lame d'Argent (1/1654)
- Yellowboze - Dolmdarl - Stink Frame -> Heart of TypeDS/D.Saber (1/14404)
This was a big update. Let us know if you encounter any issues.
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
クライアント側とサーバ側にオムニスポーンのフル機能を実装しました。この変更により、ほぼすべてのエリアでエピソードを跨いだエネミーを出現させられるようになります。敵の挙動や攻撃、パーティクルの欠落など、何らかの不具合があればお知らせください。これらの機能の実装に関して、EscさんとBlue Burst Patch Projectに多大なる感謝を申し上げます。
- TypeDS/D.Saberの心(030E5B)
- ヴィヴィアンに使用できます。
- スキンはフォトンフィルターで色の変更が可能です。
- 迅雷の心(030E62)
- ヴィヴィアンに使用できます。
- TypeSS/Swordsの心(030E5C)
- ムサシ。アスカ、サンゲシャシャ、自在のいずれかに使用できます。
- スキンはフォトンフィルターで色の変更が可能です。
- ブレイドダンスの心(030E5D)
- 秋子飯店の中華鍋の心(030E5E)
- ツインチャクラムの心(030E5F)
- 上記の3種はデイライトスカーに使用可能です。
- ツインチャクラムのスキンはフォトンフィルターで色の変更が可能です。
- Viridia - クリムゾンアサシン (E1) - 青蓮 -> V101 (1/2291)
- Viridia - シノワブルー - V101 -> キュア/コンフューズ (1/853)
- Greenill - シノワブルー - V101 -> カザミノコテ (1/853)
- Skyly - ドルフォン - ラムダージャン -> エレクトロフレーム (1/1024)
- Skyly - ドルフォン・エクレール - 紺糸威紫塗桶側二枚胴 -> リベルタキット (1/4)
- Skyly - ゴラン・デトナータ - リベルタキット -> ラムダージャン (1/1462)
- Bluefull - プイィスライム (Very Hard) - HP/リバイバル -> 秋子飯店の中華鍋の心 (1/9.85)
- Bluefull -ゴル・ドラゴン (Very Hard) - ギルティライト -> ブレイドダンスの心 (1/64)
- Redria - グルグス・グー (E1) - ゴッド/マインド -> ツインチャクラムの心 (1/14564)
- Oran - メルクィーク - HP/リバイバル -> TypeSS/Swordsの心 (1/13653)
- Oran - ダークガンナー - モーニンググローリー -> 迅雷の心 (1/6068)
- Yellowboze - シノワブルー - ラムダージャン -> メーザービーム (1/2731)
- Yellowboze - シノワレッド - シノワレッドの両手 -> ラムダージャン (1/1654)
- Yellowboze - ドルムダール - 匂う盾 -> TypeDS/D.Saberの心 (1/14404)