Miku's top 7 ways to be more efficient


Lucky number 7.

Intro: I see lots of people just doing random quests and not making use of so many ways they could enrich themselves. I'm sure not everyone cares about getting rich (I mean like net worth of all your items plus all of your PDs combined), but for those that do, I'd like to share some tips. I haven't played this nearly as much as some people and I also have never gotten anything to drop worth 300+ and yet I'm somehow getting to be one of the richer players on here. The somehow lies in how efficiently I raise my value.

Number 7: selling armor
This is a no-brainer, but it really adds up. Especially when you're fairly new and don't kill enemies all that quickly, you should sell lots of armors. The higher level it requires to equip and the more slots it has, the more it's worth. You can easily get an extra 50k meseta on a lot of quests just by selling these. In terms of PDs, that's like an extra 1/8 of a PD value just for an extra like 15 seconds at the end. Yes you can just walk to the counter at the end and then start a new ep2 room, sell the armors, and then leave that room if the shops seem too far away. Now, don't take these over anything more value such as anything worth using, HP/Pow/Mind/Luck mats, or PDs. Although once you're rich beyond a certain point you should stop doing this, as weapons beyond a certain value are basically never for sale to the point where just getting more meseta doesn't really help you get any better of gear anymore.

Number 6: Try feeding some mags
If selling armor isn't your cup of tea, you likely have a couple spare inventory spots you can use to feed mags while you explore. It's fairly easy to do in the rooms where you're just walking to the next set of enemies and can be done nearly for free if you just give it the green items you pick up during the quest. Or you can just stand in a room feeding like 20 at once but that gets very tedious very quickly and I understand if it isn't many people's cups of tea. In any case, make a wide variety of mags so that you can have good stats on lots of different characters at lots of different levels to progress more easily, or just make extra mags to sell. If you think you suck at making mags, just make ones where you only give it monomates and you should get one with around 185 pow or only give monofluids and you should get around 185 mind. Although after level 50 you can also use dimate or difluids you pick up without raising any other stats and you should in order to make it go faster. Of course there are many other good mags but that is a good place to start if you're really new to making mags.

Number 5: Try soloing some quests
This is very efficient once you're strong enough to do so since you don't have to wait for anyone else to join your room. I already have a topic about some really great things to solo so I'm not going to list them all again here.

Number 4: Make use of the weekly boosts. What I mean here is that during dar week, you'll likely want to play something like RBR, NMU3, LSB, PW2, TE, or CCC and then you'll get a ton of items and PDs just from defeating so many enemies that drop extra items. And a lot of the rares from these quests are from enemies with under 100 dar so that you'll be more likely to get them as well. Save things like going after bosses for RDR weeks instead (except Kondy where you want rare enemy week).

Number 3: Unsealing. Ideally you can do this in addition to doing something else where it doesn't slow you down much, or possibly even at all. E.g. if you're using a high enough level FOnewm on NMU3, you can have a limiter or even 2 without any noticeable loss to your relevant stats. In other words, you can efficiently use your NMU3 runs to essentially unseal limiters for free. Another great way to unseal your limiters is with playing very hard CCC on bluefull as it gives a ton of Vjayas and is a very underrated hunt people should consider more and yet you'll also get your unsealing done during it. If you have a RA with hell needle and v502 and max ATA you can easily solo enough of this to get your killcount up and your Vjayas before time runs out. Play in solo mode to make it easier.

Number 2: Anguish. Anguish doesn't work how you'd think, and weapon patterns are very important. Instead of just increasing one of the numbers in the weapon patterns by 1 for each level of anguish or anything like that, it's just simply all pattern 3 for the first half of each episode and all pattern 4 for the second half. This means if you're playing in any second half area such a mines, it's extremely worth it to be playing on anguish as even playing on A1 will greatly improve the potential of all your nonrare weapons, and it increases the PDs you get by nearly 20% as well. But really many many quests should be run on anguish as it likely takes like 1% longer than vanilla. Possibly even shorter since the enemies having increased crit rate actually makes the game easier since they're more likely to crit you into being low on HP if you manage your HP well enough so that a crit will get you really low, and this happens more often in anguish. Then with your 30 second invulnerability you can get up to a 55% chance of getting with a Tellusis, you can go crazy and destroy everything.

Number 1: Always be farming. What I mean here is don't just level up in some lazy way or just by doing TTF or even BTH. No, no, no, even a level 40 character can and should be farming!!!!!! Here is how to get lots of good stuff even with a level 40 character. I recommend using a quest on vh like TE or CCC and then if you're a RA, use a hell needle with v502 and max ATA to just kill everything, and if you're a FO then just cast gi and ra spells to kill everything with a full MST build. It's amazing how many PDs and mats you can get by doing this, and if you do bluefull CCC you can also get lots of Vjayas along the way, and you'll still gain very good experience from doing this without even needing anyone else to carry you. Well, if you're followed the rest of the points and are prepared with things like mags for all situations so that you can have a super high ATA mag and a super high MST mag to help you accomplish this. You can also use divine punishment with a dex+mind mag and I've found that to be quite powerful as well.
I loved this list. It was a fun and interesting read!

I no longer vendor anything on any of my melee DPS characters because they possess too many irreplaceable high % common weapons that, if accidentally sold, would devastate my ability to enjoy the game. I would LIKE to have the option to pick up and sell blue armors without having to bank all of my valuable commons first (otherwise it wastes more time than it's worth), and I think we need to add the ability to LOCK certain items, or have a command so that any weapons with over 50% hit no longer show up as sellable.

This might seem silly, but sometimes when playing late at night and half-asleep, one could conceivably make a few wrong button presses and sell something they didn't mean to. Really, there's two things I would like to see:

1. Add a command so that players have to option to disable any commons with 50% hit or more from showing up on the "Sell" list.
2. Add a command that completely removes the Team Point menu. My Team already has everything unlocked. I don't want even the remotest possibility of accidentally dropping my controller on the floor and having it roll in such a way that it perfectly presses all of the buttons necessary to destroy my best weapon.

Sega was dumb to have such poor safeguards in place given the cruelty of drop rates of especially high hit % items. It causes me unnecessary grief and anxiety.
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Another great way to unseal your limiters is with playing very hard CCC on bluefull as it gives a ton of Vjayas
I unseal using yellow and oran id for the heart drops, although they're not worth that much and don't really sell, not that I'm lucky enough to get one to drop anyways.
Legitimately cool information about Anguish mode. I had no idea that it forces Pattern 3 and 4 for the early and later half of the game. I always thought that it was just a game type that increased stats and raised reward possibilities. Knowing that it forces the two best patterns in the game, even starting at Anguish 1 makes it so much cooler to me.
1. Add a command so that players have to option to disable any commons with 50% hit or more from showing up on the "Sell" list.
A lock function so that you cannot sell or TP certain items would be very cool
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Yeah I hate it how you can sell your good stuff and you can't buy it back again. Like I used to do PW3 box runs with a hell raygun and sell all the junk items but then one time I sold the hell raygun x.x. So yeah, I understand for those not wanting to sell armors or other stuff.

Also, a little more elaboration on making use of the weekly boost. Here are some of my best recommendations:
Dar weekRare enemy weekRare drop rate weekExperience Week
RBRRBR with an emphasis on quests with enemies that can be rare and can drop something good. E.g. hunting mil lilies, Hildetorrs, or Kondrieu.RBR with an emphasis on enemies that don't have 100% drop anything rate.BTH
NMU3 red/greenTEA New Hope yellow - reset after double gryphonTE
LSB yellowCCC PinkNMU3 red/greenMA4C
PW2 PinkRT Pink A10 - scare and rehit the rappies, restart if no Mil LilyLSB yellowMA2-2B
CCC Yellow Flowen 3084POD Lame/HS/LimiterPW2 PinkCCC
RT yellow PGF/Galatine
CCC Yellow Flowen 3084
And if you don't like any of those options, there's also always MA4C A10 scare and rehit the 12 rappies as it gives 0.276 PDs per run and only about 1 minutes per run so you can really farm PDs doing this if you are okay with doing it. You can get similar results on the fake in yellow but I think MA4C is faster. And a lot of these runs I've found to be much faster if you just solo them to the point where I hope the multiplayer aspect of the game doesn't just die out as it's just far less doing than it was in the HBR days as RBR just doesn't give that much of a boost. At 125% dar and 125% rdr, you'd still have to get at least 80% as many of an enemy like Hildebear if you're searching for Torrs as TE, and most other quests don't even come close to that. Or for a more current example, LSR has a lot of Lilies and Rappies, but since I can do the first 2 Lilies and 2 Rappies of RT on A10 on a 35-second loop (if you go to a lobby like 11 where you don't have to walk as far and do everything really fast) and the dar doesn't matter for Mil Lily or Rappies, the RT reset strategy is still better for getting RM and Vivienne anyways. Being on A10 it gives a higher RDR than the RBR boost gives anyways. If you work out the math, you'd have to 100% hit all rappies on LSR in about 15 minutes to compete with the RT reset strat. I don't think I can do it that fast.
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