

So this is the thing I've been glued to recently. I first actually played it before coming here by a few months even. Though the game is about as old as Phantasy Star in general. 2004 for it vs PSO's 2000 though Mabinogi didn't come to the US til 2008 (2010 for Europe) vs pso's 2001 so yeah.

Mabinogi if you've never played it is a fantasy life type game. You can fight monsters and dungeon crawl but if you want you never have to do that at all and do something else like play the market. If you ever played Fantasy Life for the 3DS then I should let you know that Mabinogi is by far bigger than that content wise (granted that game has stuff Mabinogi doesn't have but meh).

Mabinogi is free to play but truth be told you really don't need to spend any money to play it. Its like PSO2 in this case where things are easier to work with if you spend money and if you want to look good you might be spending some money as well. Nexon might have Sega beat in how they will nickle and dime you with their f2p system though IMO.

Anyway back in 2016 I didn't really play it long before it got annoying to control (game is played with keyboard and mouse and doesn't support controller). And I gave up on it. However I've given it a 2nd chance recently by using antimacro and while the game still can't be controlled with just a controller only its pretty easy to use a controller and mouse to play it with the right set up on antimacro.

Mabinogi unlike our good old classic pso though hasn't officially died yet though it is certainly getting there. Still it has over 700 people still playing it at least according to the steam charts from what I looked. However, like PSO the fanbase is a bit broken up. In this case they are spread out over Nexon's own servers instead of just people having different ideas of how to play PSO like we are. 600 or so people playing this lovely game in the last 24 hours are doing it across 4 official servers still cause there hasn't been a server merge yet (due to how the game is set up though it might be a bit hard to do). In those 4 servers cutting up 600 people there are 7 channels keeping people apart. It really doesn't help that like 50% of the 600 people are on one server as well and I chose the wrong one back in 2016 keeping my pets in one of the less populated servers if I want to play on the populated one.

So yeah things are spread out over Mabinogi. In fact the other 100 or so people I guess are on a private server.

MabiPro uses Generation 13. Which is very old now. Mabinogi itself is on Generation 21 and the US is in generation 20 from my understanding (though I might be wrong about this). They don't have things like puppets, guns, or ninja classes from what I can see. Which is a real shame cause I love guns.

MabiPro is also suffering from what old PSO used to suffer with in that a lot of the game is in moon speak over there so I figured the more people that know about this little server the better it could become.
I played that back in 2009 off and on for years but I cannot play that anymore. I have exhausted how much I can enjoy that game a long time ago.