Keyboard stops working (windows 10)


My girlfriend plays on her laptop and I play on my PC. I don't experience the issue but she does (I'm also not on Windows 10, so that may be the issue). Her keyboard will suddenly stop working after she's been playing for a while. She hates it because she sets items and spells to her 0-9 keys, and then when she needs them, she can't use them.

I thought her keyboard was going to sleep, so I changed the power settings, and it hasn't fixed anything. I even bought her a separate USB keypad, thinking that the laptop would treat it differently than the built-in one, and it still didn't fix the issue

Anyone know anything I can try?
If you press F11 it disables chatlog and movement in PSO and enables some menu option (something like that). It could be that... if pressed accidentally. If not i hope you figure out what it is !
I've messed with F11 a few times. Toggling it on and off.

Since posting this, I started messing with her laptop, and I definitely have something working. Although I'm not sure if it'll stop functioning halfway through like normal until we actually play.

Some weird stuff is going on. I'll do a little more testing.
Mew had a similar issue with her KB and Win10 with PSO. Would log on just fine....then the moment she arrives in lobby and tries to type...would get that NUH UH! PC sound when you're being denied a request. Turned out to be a simple fix. Would hover the mouse cursor at what mew would assume be the center of the screen (CANT SEE A CURSOR lol) and left click the mouse forcing the PC to acknowledge PSO as a current task! It Sounds weird....but it WORKED for mew dammit! XD!