is it possible to make the server more forgiving for packet loss?


I have quit the game
Guildcard 2
There's a guy who can't play here because even very minor packet loss will disconnect you from the game. He disconnects way less on other servers.

This presumably means it's a server setting and not something hard-coded into the client telling it to kick you.

So is there a way to fix it?
The protocol literally cannot be forgiving about packet loss due to how the encryption works.
If a packet is lost, the encryption chain is lost too and your packets will be trash (thus dc).
I don't think there is a definitive answer.
When I have a "stable" connection I rarely have disconnections by network related stuff, even when my sister and brother are watching youtube and downloading stuff in a 3 Mbps connection.. I don't disconnect, however it does get very slow.
I'm not much of a network engineer, but could this issue be solved by tweaking tcp retransmission settings on either side of the connection?
Depends, if the kick is because a packet is actually missing, then some network stuff must be going on .... so far in months of monitoring a server I haven't seen an actual missing packet (causing the encryption to break and the server buffering too much data)
I'm not much of a network engineer, but could this issue be solved by tweaking tcp retransmission settings on either side of the connection?
Systems and Network Engineer here!

There is not a lot the client itself can do to the connection. If the packet is loss or nearly lost(incorrect transmission route or stuck in some stupid QoS/buffer/whatever somewhere) then it comes down to the ISP to solve the issue. Or just a new ISP. (A plainly dropped packet is a little different)

Many times out of order packets are the cause of something like this from either QoS or a piece of hardware being a dick and incorrectly updating route information(causing the connection to terminate). When some packet is dramatically out of order and is deemed lost(due to total time of loss) the server generally resends the TCP/IP packet in question, but if the server has a limited amount of time allowable for reassembly, or just the standard TCP timeout, it will likely cause the connection to be terminated.

When it comes to a server being nicer handling this. It depends on the server. I would assume since item tampering is a thing and the server is real time (not a webpage loading and the user can wait for issues to resolve), a very strict rule on re-transmission of lost data would be in use. Not that a server DOES NOT do any of this, it has to, but its a matter of exceeding the limit that it allows it.
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