I can't type not IME logged in all controls work cant type

got a new laptop recently and figured out during my install process that i had to add exceptions to my firewall blah, anyways after getting game installed was able to log in and get my controller set up and stuffz but i realized today when i logged in that i couldn't type on my old computer i'd have to wait like 5 min before i could type i thought that was normal but its not letting me type at all should i uninstall and try re installing with the exceptions to firewall? LET MET KNOW PLEASE AND THX!
First I'd double check to make sure IME is not on (grey box not green) BEFORE launching the game.
Second, if that was not the issue, I would double check you are tabbed into PSO by clicking on the window; the controller will work when not tabbed into the window, but keyboard will not and that could be a source of your issue.
Third, to quote @Matt who responded to someone with the same issue who said IME wasn't the problem "This is a really old thread, but hitting alt+shift should let you type... which means IME is on somehow, usually."
And lastly, make sure you're pressing space bar before trying to type in game; assuming F11 wasn't pressed which enables keyboard typing and disabled keyboard character control.
So IME has been off, alt + shift didn't work, its not F11, I disconnected the controller and after what seemed like 30 mins I was able to type so I was thinking it was an xbox one controller issue so I decided to re install it and now I can't log in and now I'm sad.
Okay, try troubleshooting on your side a bit more, i.e. white list the folder you're installing PSOBB into and not just specific files the antivirus is trying to catch, try controller plugged in/not plugged in, windowed vs virtual fullscreen, heck try both IME on/off.
Just make sure you have clicked onto the game window first and haven't clicked out of the window when trying to type. If anything works, report back here so that future people with the same issue can refer back to it.

If anyone else has insight may they reach out to you too, other than that, all I can offer on my side is a best of luck!
Still not working I made exceptions for damn near everything and I can't log in still I tried turning IME on and off and still doesn't work, I can't type in my log in info
works with controller too I just turned on the on screen keyboard and turned it off immediately and then I could type even after first logging into game also have windows 11 home thanks for the help!