

Revy - enjoyer of all things retro :3
I had a dreamcast as a kid back in early 2k's but just got into pso for the first time and so far its a really fun game.
tbh I spent most of my dreamcast time on sonic and crazy taxi and code veronica.
I had a dreamcast as a kid back in early 2k's but just got into pso for the first time and so far its a really fun game.
tbh I spent most of my dreamcast time on sonic and crazy taxi and code veronica.
SQUEEEeeeeeee! *Pounces and examines Revies wiff a giggle~!* Glad to see you made your way to the forums, luv! Hopefully mew and others made a good first impression? =3
yes and so far i love this game and tbh I think its more fun than pso2 and I also found the manual online and learned a lot more about the game =^_^=