

Hi, I come from PSO2, and am completely new to PSO:BB.

Am currently playing as HUnewearl, character name cano if you see me.

PS: Is there any early leveling guides? thanks.
Hi, I come from PSO2, and am completely new to PSO:BB.

Am currently playing as HUnewearl, character name cano if you see me.

PS: Is there any early leveling guides? thanks.
EEEEEeeeeee~! *POUNCES the cano-san wiff a warm giggle~!* PSO2 is GORGEOUS! Buuut, Everyone who's played it All came running back saying the SAME thing! "It just doesn't have the same CHARM as the original!". When you first arrive, it will prolly feel a little chonky and dated, like "OMG what is this pixelated crap I've downloaded?...". Mew can assure you, once you start wandering around and get a jist of what is expected of you and interactions wiff NPCs and enemies....you'll find a few "Ooo's" and "Ohh's" escape your unexpected Smiling lips! =3. Yes, it's 22+ years old. Yes, game mechanics seem underwhelming. No, your Boobies don't Bounce or Jiggle. But, the more you get your paws wet with native Ragol blood, you'll See it, you'll Feel it creep up on you~! Like some welcomed phantasmal hands on your shoulders from behind whispering....Welcome HOME~! >=3!
No, seriously, you're gonna LOVE it here, dear!
OH!....here's one hint... https://www.pioneer2.net/community/...nked-guides-and-references-for-newbies.16294/ There are many other tips and tricks... but the best way is to simply jump in feet first and Grind it out to find YOUR 'Warrior's Way' <3.

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Hi. If you want to level then you can do Towards the Future Dragon resets, Maximum Attack 4 A, B, or C first room resets, or have someone run you through New Mop Up #3 or Cal's Clockwork Challenge.